Sandvik AB jobb - alla lediga jobb
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Några andra slumpade jobb:
- Elkonstruktör - Produktionsutrustning- Stockholm
- Automationsingenjör- Stockholm
- Senior R&D Engineer, Chemical Vapor Deposition- Stockholm
- Project Manager for Process and Tools- Stockholm
- Maskinoperatör- Stockholm
- Executive Assistant- Stockholm
- Head of Operational Excellence, Finance- Stockholm
- Application Engineer- Stockholm
- Captive and Risk Management Information Officer- Stockholm
- Produktionsingenjör- Sandviken
- Welding Engineers- Sandviken
- Senior Project Managers- Sandviken
- Business Controller- Sandviken
- Product Development Engineer ? Milling Tools- Sandviken
- Metodutvecklare/kalibrerare inom tryck och flöde- Sandviken
- Senior SAP Basis Technician- Sandviken
- Senior IT Systems Developer for QlikView- Sandviken
- Flödeschef till Sandviken Hot - Extrusion- Sandviken
- IT Test Specialists- Sandviken
- IT Test Leaders- Sandviken
- Global Category Leader, Production and Assembly- Sandviken
- Chef för Mekaniskt Underhåll- Sandviken
- Business Intelligence Solution/Service Architect- Sandviken
- Utvecklingsingenjör inom gjutning- Sandviken
- FU-elektriker- Sandviken
- FU-mekaniker/smörjare- Sandviken
- Truckförare- Svedala
- Sales Coordinator- Svedala
- Technical Writer- Svedala
- Category Sourcing Officer/Engineer- Svedala
- Tactical Buyer for Indirect Purchasing- Svedala
- Flödeschef till Varmvalsverket- Hallstahammar
- Communication Professional- Hallstahammar
- Head of Demand Management- Ospecificerad arbetsort
- Controller- Ospecificerad arbetsort
- Communication Officer- Stockholm
- Assistant for CPO Indirect Purchasing- Ludvika
- Global Product Line Manager- Sandviken
- Welding Application Specialist- Sandviken
- General Manager for Wire and Heating Technology- Sandviken
Mer beskrivning
Elkonstruktör - ProduktionsutrustningVill du arbeta med den senaste tekniken i modern produktionsutrustning? Hos oss får du ta del av hela produktutvecklingsprocessen, från idé till installerad utrustning på våra produktionsenheter världen över. Sandvik Coromant erbjuder en miljö där dina idéer uppmuntras och där du har stora möjligheter till utveckling. Vi söker nu dig med ambitionen att bredda dina erfarenheter och utvecklas i din profession. Har du färdigheterna så ger vi dig verktygen att använda dem. Processutrustningsavdelningen utvecklar, tillverkar och levererar processutrustning som är speciellt konstruerad för att uppfylla behoven från produktutveckling och tillverkning av verktyg för skärande bearbetning. Arbetet är organiserat i projekt som utförs enligt produktmodellen LEAN produktutveckling och genomförs i samarbete med produktutvecklings- och tillverkningsorganisationen. Till avdelningen söker vi nu en elkonstruktör med placering i Västberga, Stockholm. Arbetsuppgifter Som elkonstruktör kommer du att fokusera på: - elektrisk konstruktion av processutrustning och utveckling av lösningar för tillförlitlig, produktiv och kostnadseffektiv utrustning som uppfyller de nya kraven från FoU och på produktionskapacitet. - inblandning i hela utvecklingskedjan från idé till driftsättning, dokumentation och efterföljande teknisk support. - elektrisk konstruktion i Eplan och Elcad. - utveckling av avdelningens kunskap om EMC-standarder och regler/lagar samt hur vi bör konstruera för att uppfylla dessa. Du kommer även att delta i projektmöten och samarbeta med våra verksamheter i Sandviken och Gimo samt ha kontakt med leverantörer och slutanvändare av utrustningen både i Sverige och utomlands. Resor i tjänsten kan förekomma. Din profil Vi söker efter en person med en kandidat- eller civilingenjörsexamen som har flera års erfarenhet av elkonstruktionarbete med process- och produktionsutrustning. Du är väl bekant med gällande standarder för elkonstruktion i Sverige. Kunskap om motsvarande standarder i Nordamerika och andra länder är meriterande. Erfarenhet av systemkonstruktion och problemlösning kopplat till utstrålade och ledningsbundna emissioner från högfrekvensspänningskällor är en fördel, liksom kunskap om explosionssäker konstruktion (ATEX). Goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska, i både tal och skrift är en förutsättning. Du är kreativ och driven med god förmåga att avsluta dina påbörjade uppgifter. Du arbetar gärna självständigt likväl som tillsammans med andra och tycker om att dela med dig av dina kunskaper och erfarenheter. För tjänsten är det även viktigt att du är kundfokuserad, serviceinriktad och pedagogisk i din kommunikation. Vi arbetar aktivt för att skapa en arbetsplats som präglas av mångfald och inkludering. Kontaktinformation För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta: Stefan Hedberg, rekryterande chef, 08-726 65 04 André Söderholm, HR Advisor, 026-26 03 21 Fackliga kontaktpersoner Jan Kjellgren, Unionen, 08-726 65 83 Karin Olofsson, Sveriges Ingenjörer, 070-285 06 84 Välkommen med din ansökan senast 2013-08-25. Läs mer om Sandvik och ansök via, jobb-id: 320108. För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen kontakta HRdirect, 020-26 14 44. Ansvarig rekryterare André Söderholm Följ oss också på
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Stockholm
Publicerad : 07-16
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Elkonstruktör - Produktionsutrustning jobb
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Vill du arbeta med den senaste tekniken i modern produktionsutrustning? Hos oss får du ta del av hela produktutvecklingsprocessen, från idé till installerad utrustning på våra produktionsenheter världen över. Sandvik Coromant erbjuder en miljö där dina idéer uppmuntras och där du har stora möjligheter till utveckling. Vi söker nu dig med ambitionen att bredda dina erfarenheter och utvecklas i din profession. Har du färdigheterna så ger vi dig verktygen att använda dem. Processutrustningsavdelningen utvecklar, tillverkar och levererar processutrustning som är speciellt konstruerad för att uppfylla behoven från produktutveckling och tillverkning av verktyg för skärande bearbetning. Arbetet är organiserat i projekt som utförs enligt produktmodellen LEAN produktutveckling och genomförs i samarbete med produktutvecklings- och tillverkningsorganisationen. Till avdelningen söker vi nu en automationsingenjör med placering i Västberga, Stockholm. Arbetsuppgifter Som automationsingenjör kommer du att: - utveckla lösningar för tillförlitlig, produktiv och kostnadseffektiv utrustning som uppfyller de nya kraven från FoU och på produktionskapacitet. - vara involverad i hela utvecklingskedjan från idé till driftsättning, dokumentation och efterföljande teknisk support. - arbeta med programmering och driftsättning av både ny och befintlig processutrustning. - planera och genomföra tester på utrustning internt före leverans till fabrik samt efter installation i fabrik. - implementera lösningar som uppfyller kraven på maskinsäkerhet och andra tillämpliga regler och standarder. - förbereda dokumentation för CE-märkning av utrustning. - utbilda användare i den installerade utrustningens funktioner och användning. - utveckla avdelningens kunskaper inom nya automationsmetoder. Tjänsten innefattar ca 40 resdagar per år. Din profil Vi söker dig som har en civilingenjörsexamen samt erfarenhet av automationsingenjörsarbete med process- och produktionsutrustning. Då tjänsten innebär många interna och externa kontakter, såväl nationella som internationella, med bland annat leverantörer, tekniska konsulter och produktionsenheter är det viktigt att du har god förmåga att utrycka dig på svenska och engelska, i både tal och skrift. Kunskaper i andra språk är meriterande, liksom erfarenhet av Citect, Mitsubishi, Delta V och andra styrsystem. Du är kreativ och driven med god förmåga att avsluta påbörjade uppgifter. Du arbetar gärna självständigt likväl som tillsammans med andra och tycker om att dela med dig av dina kunskaper och erfarenheter. För tjänsten är det även viktigt att du är kundfokuserad, serviceinriktad och pedagogisk i din kommunikation. Vi arbetar aktivt för att skapa en arbetsplats som präglas av mångfald och inkludering. Kontaktinformation För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta: Stefan Hedberg, rekryterande chef, 08-726 65 04 André Söderholm, HR Advisor, 026-26 03 21 Fackliga kontaktpersoner Jan Kjellgren, Unionen, 08-726 65 83 Karin Olofsson, Sveriges Ingenjörer, 070-285 06 84 Välkommen med din ansökan senast 2013-08-25. Läs mer om Sandvik och ansök via, jobb-id: 320110. För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen kontakta HRdirect, 020-26 14 44. Ansvarig rekryterare André Söderholm Följ oss också på
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Stockholm
Publicerad : 07-16
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Automationsingenjör jobb, Automationsingenjör Stockholm, Automationsingenjör Sandvik AB
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Senior R&D Engineer, Chemical Vapor Deposition
Would you like to work in a global company and play a part in its success? Sandvik Coromant encourages new ideas and can provide you with great opportunities for development. We are looking for talented people who would like to extend their professional and educational potential. You have the skills and we can help you put them to good use. The R&D department of Sandvik Coromant in Stockholm works with development of hard materials for metal cutting. Operations cover a broad spectrum, from modeling and materials production to evaluation and implementation. The materials laboratory has processing equipment for production of test materials on both lab and pilot study scales, as well as advanced equipment for testing and analysis. Our strength lies in both our broad and cutting-edge knowledge within our field, and we have an extensive international network of contacts. We are now looking for a Senior R&D Engineer for our CVD section, to be based in Västberga, Stockholm. Key performance areas As Senior R&D Engineer you will develop new CVD processes and materials and take an active part in product development. You will work together with other coating departments within Sandvik Machining Solutions and are also expected to build an external network with universities and suppliers of CVD equipment. The position entails traveling about 30 days per year. You will report to the section manager. Your profile We are looking for someone with a PhD in Chemistry, Materials Science or an MSc. in Engineering, with a focus on chemistry, materials technology or engineering physics. Work experience from CVD, thin films, hard coatings, tribology, advanced materials characterization or metal cutting is advantageous. Excellent communication skills in English, both written and verbal, are a prerequisite. You are a problem solver who gladly takes the initiative and enjoys working with complex problems. You have a proactive and strategic working style. Additionally, you are interested in technology, with a profound understanding of the professional aspects of the job, and you are happy to share your knowledge with others. We actively work to create a workplace that is characterized by diversity and inclusion. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Mikael Schuisky, recruiting manager, +46 (0)8 726 76 45 Helena Walter, HR Advisor, +46 (0)8 726 64 15 Union contact Karin Olofsson, Sveriges Ingenjörer, +46 (0)8 726 66 83 Send your application no later than August 31, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 324090. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter André Söderholm
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Stockholm
Publicerad : 07-16
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Senior R&D Engineer, Chemical Vapor Deposition jobb
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Project Manager for Process and Tools
Would you be interested in a new role that offers an opportunity to be part of leading Sandviks strategic focus on purchasing across the globe and covering all business areas? The job offers the possibility to work with both purchasing and IT solutions within Purchasing. Indirect Purchasing is a group function at Sandvik with clear strategy to deploy the One Sandvik approach at the working level within the processes and systems used for Indirect Purchasing globally. There is, therefore, a need to implement a harmonized One Sandvik P2P process and purchasing system throughout the Sandvik Group with a project management approach. With this position, the Process and Tools organization is setting up project office possibilities to support all peer teams within Indirect Purchasing. Key performance areas This is a global position with responsibilities for project management and co-ordination with Indirect Purchasing Region Directors, HR, Purchasers, Country Managements, and suppliers for systems implementation in selected regions, as per the implementation calendar. Responsibilities include: - Co-ordinating formation of desired organizational structure, with roles and responsibilities in implementation regions - Establishing requisite mandates and change management down the line in a given region of implementation - Ensure sound implementation of agreed global P2P process in region of implementation - Ensure successful Go Live of new purchasing systems in the region of implementation - Working towards user adoption and ensuring that there is a maintenance framework for newly implemented systems with sufficient back office support from Shared Services - Working closely with IT Project Manager and co-ordinating various meetings as per governance structure set up for the project Extensive international traveling will be required. Your profile We are looking for someone with an academic degree, preferably in engineering, IT and/or projects. You have experience from purchasing and purchasing system ERP/Cloud implementation. We also expect you to have experience from purchasing master data management and project/program management. IT basic programming and query writing skills, as well as IT consultancy experience would be an advantage. Excellent communication skills in English, both written and verbal, are prerequisite. As a person you are highly motivated, driven and work independently. You have the ability and openness to work hands on with the processes, systems and project management without losing the global strategic view. The position of Project Manager places strong demands on your leadership qualities: you must be perceptive and able to create trusting cooperation in a natural manner, as well as to inspire and motivate your co-workers to create team spirit and enthusiasm for reaching the business goals. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Shreeharsha Karve, recruiting manager, +91 202 710 48 77 Helena Sidenvall, HR Advisor, +46 (0)8 456 14 23 Union contacts Karin Wallblom, Unionen, +46 (0)26 261 012 Patrik Hertel, Sveriges Ingenjörer, +46 (0)26 265 647 Send your application no later than July 28, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 324222. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Irene Sveen
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Stockholm
Publicerad : 07-11
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Project Manager for Process and Tools jobb
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Sandvik Venture är ett affärsområde inom Sandvik-koncernen som skapar möjligheter för tillväxt och lönsamhet i attraktiva och snabbväxande verksamheter. Produktområden är Sandvik Hard Materials (SHM), Diamond Innovations, Wolfram och Sandvik Process Systems. SHM Business Unit Stockholm är en verksamhet inom SHM som tillverkar hårdmetallvalsar för varmvalsindustrin. Verksamheten är baserad på självständigt arbete och ansvar, både individuellt och i grupp. Vi söker nu en maskinoperatör till vår verksamhet i Västberga, Stockholm. Arbetsuppgifter Som maskinoperatör arbetar du i en flödesorienterad verkstad med olika arbetsuppgifter inom tillverkningsprocessen, såsom pressning, formgivning, sintring, svarvning, slipning, kontroll, märkning och packning. Du kommer att arbeta utifrån skrivna instruktioner samt själv rapportera produktionsavvikelser skriftligt. Arbetsformen är skiftgång. Din profil Vi söker dig som lägst har en gymnasieutbildning med inriktning mot industri, alternativt har du motsvarande kunskaper. Har du truckkort och certifikat för säkra lyft är det meriterande då det är ett krav för att arbeta på avdelningen. För rätt kandidat kan detta i annat fall tillhandahållas genom internutbildning. Erfarenhet av arbete med pressning, formgivning och sintring är meriterande liksom kunskaper inom CNC. Även erfarenhet från handhavande av mätdon samt ritningsläsning är ett plus. Som person är du kvalitetsmedveten och noggrann med hög arbetsmoral samt förmåga att arbeta både självständigt och i grupp. Då du kommer att arbeta inom flera olika arbetsområden och hjälpa till där det behövs är det viktigt att du är driven, självgående och flexibel. Kontaktinformation För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta: Christina Strömbäck, rekryterande chef, 073-028 54 86 Cecilia Harder, HR Advisor, 08-726 64 29 Facklig kontaktperson Conny Ingelsson, IF Metall, 08-726 63 86 Välkommen med din ansökan senast 2013-08-18. Läs mer om Sandvik och ansök på, jobb-id: 324033. För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen kontakta HRdirect, 026-26 14 40. Ansvarig rekryterare André Söderholm Följ oss också på Sandvik är en global industrikoncern med avancerade produkter och en världsledande position inom utvalda områden - verktyg för metallbearbetning, maskiner och verktyg för gruv- och anläggningsindustrin, rostfria material, speciallegeringar, högtemperaturmaterial samt processystem. Koncernen hade 2012 omkring 49 000 medarbetare, representation i 130 länder och en omsättning på cirka 99 000 MSEK.
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Stockholm
Publicerad : 07-04
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Maskinoperatör jobb, Maskinoperatör Stockholm, Maskinoperatör Sandvik AB
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Executive Assistant
The global Finance function is going through a process of simplification and harmonization in all its areas, which brings up several initiatives to implement globally. The initiatives are led by FMT members and people from different parts of the global finance community will participate. There is a need to have the proper support, with emphasis in coordination and communication among the participants. We are now looking for an Executive Assistant Operational Excellence and Human Resource Heads in finance, to be based at the Head Office in Stockholm. Key performance areas In this position your primary duties will include general support to operational excellence and HR as: - Control of calendar, bookings and e-mail - Planning and preparation of meetings including agendas and presentations - Travel reservations and coordination of travel schedule - Administration of expenses, invoices, databases, time and attendance approvals - Researching, creating and updating presentations in PowerPoint - Word processing, filing and archiving - Involvement in the work related to the meetings - Be the link between the team participants for coordination matters Flexible working hours are necessary periodically. Your profile We are looking for someone with education in administration who has worked as an Executive Assistant for finance or HR departments in a global company. In order to be successful in this role, you need to have previous experience supporting senior executives in a fast paced, results-oriented environment. You have excellent skills in the Microsoft Office package and excellent communication skills in English and Swedish, both written and verbal. As a person you are highly motivated and driven. You have an eye for detail, have proven multi-tasking abilities and know how to prioritize to ensure that you manage time and resources efficiently. It is important that you are confident, with integrity and accountability, and used to working with deadlines, as well as being an experienced team player who can also work independently. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Ana Elisa Morgado, recruiting manager, +46 (0)8 456 12 44 Cilia Personne, HR Advisor, +46 (0)8 456 12 15 Union contacts Stefan Wiborg, Unionen, +46 (0)26 261 561 Maths Scherman, Sveriges Ingenjörer, +46 (0)26 266 734 Send your application no later than July 30, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 323422. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Irene Sveen Sandvik is a global industrial group with advanced products and world-leading positions in selected areas - tools for metal cutting, equipment and tools for the mining and construction industries, stainless materials, special alloys, metallic and ceramic resistance materials as well as process systems. In 2012 the Group had about 49,000 employees and representation in 130 countries, with annual sales of about 99,000 MSEK.
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Stockholm
Publicerad : 06-28
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Executive Assistant jobb
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Head of Operational Excellence, Finance
Sandvik's global Finance organization is gearing up its efforts to identify and realize opportunities to sustainably increase quality, speed and efficiency throughout its operation, thereby increasing value to its stakeholders and making employees more motivated. Therefore we are looking for a talented and experienced leader that will play an important role in a global context in relation to these efforts. The location for this position is preferably Stockholm, Sweden. Other locations can be discussed. Key performance areas This newly created role entails defining strategy, as well as competence and capability needs to execute global initiatives with the purpose of simplifying, aligning and streamlining within the finance area. Results will ultimately be delivered together with the established finance organizations and the Group Finance Management team, and thus the ability to engage, inspire and motivate through others is critical. Your main responsibilities include to: - Structure and communicate the operational excellence agenda within Finance globally, defining the standard of excellence, as well as to monitor and measure implementation of agreed strategies - Lead and facilitate cross-functional, global and transformational initiatives within Sandvik Finance - Guide and support the teams working on the full transformation lifecycle through assessment, design, planning, and implementation of significant programs, projects and work streams - Assist the organization in the development and adoption of best practices and methodology - Align with the One Sandvik strategy principles - Drive quality through Finance processes globally You will report to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Sandvik Group, and be a member of the Global Finance Management Team (FMT). Your profile We are looking for someone with a Master's degree in Finance, combined with strong business knowledge and experience. You have extensive senior management experience, as well as experience with project management, ideally involving cross-cultural teams. Significant experience from change management in a global environment and knowledge about key financial processes is a prerequisite. Furthermore, high level understanding of IT architectures relevant to finance is also important, as are excellent skills in English. You are an inclusive accomplished leader, who embraces change and supports the development of teams and individuals. You think and act strategically, promoting a culture of innovation and continuous improvements. You are a true team player and you share Sandvik's Core Values. We also expect that you have excellent communication skills with the ability to inspire, influence, build credibility and mobilize commitment across the organization, as well as working cross-culturally. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Emil Nilsson, recruiting manager, +46 (0)8 456 12 42 Ana Elisa Morgado, HR Advisor, +46 (0)8 456 12 44 Union contacts Karin Wallblom, Unionen, +46 (0)26 261 012 Maths Scherman, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26 266 734 Patrik Hertel, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26 265 647 Glenn Holm, Ledarna, +46 (0)26 263 809 Send your application no later than July 30 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 323298. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Irene Sveen
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Stockholm
Publicerad : 06-27
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Head of Operational Excellence, Finance jobb
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Application Engineer
Sandvik Venture is a business area within the Sandvik Group aiming to create the best possible environment for growth and profitability in attractive and fast-growing operations. The product areas comprise Sandvik Hard Materials, Diamond Innovations, Wolfram, Sandvik Process Systems and Dormer. Sandvik Hard Materials Production Unit Stockholm consists of 30 employees, manufacturing and selling cemented carbide rolls for hot rolling. 95 % of the sales are for export and the customers are located all over the world. The manufacturing is done on customer order only and organized through flow groups in the factory. Our full business responsibility, from manufacturing to sales, means that we need to be flexible in our daily tasks. Our working environment is dynamic and influenced by our global presence. During the last decade we have had strong growth and we are now in a period of looking for further opportunities for sales development. We are now looking for an Application Engineer to be based in Västberga, Stockholm. Key performance areas As an Application Engineer your main tasks include: - Calculating, designing and creating offers for our sales representatives and customers - Participating in sales negotiations - Processing orders received, ensuring correct manufacturing and delivery - Helping answer and resolve application questions and problems internally and externally - Participating in new products industrialization or process improvements when needed - Participating in the analysis of quality complaints - Technical presentation at key customers - Information collection regarding customers, competitors and trends Your profile We are looking for someone with a relevant degree, preferably within rolling mill engineering, and a background in the steel industry. We also prefer prior experience as a quotation engineer and/or designer, with a focus on support. Excellent communication skills in English, both verbal and written, are a prerequisite. Knowledge in other languages is advantageous. As you will be in contact with salespeople within Sandvik and in the field at customers' locations, it is important that you are perceptive and responsive and are service oriented. Additionally, you must be communicative, with the ability to express yourself clearly and in a pedagogical manner. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Jan-Erik Karlsson, recruiting manager, +46 (0)8 726 67 92 Cecilia Harder, HR Advisor, +46 (0)8 726 64 29 Union contacts Karin Olofsson, Sveriges Ingenjörer, +46 (0)8 726 66 83 Jan Kjellgren, Unionen, +46 (0)8 726 65 83 Send your application no later than July 21, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 323276. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter André Söderholm
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Stockholm
Publicerad : 06-20
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Captive and Risk Management Information Officer
Group Risk Management is part of Legal Affairs and responsible for the purchasing and management of global insurance policies for the Sandvik Group. Group Risk Management is also responsible for developing and maintaining a Risk Management policy for the Sandvik Group. We can now offer the right person an exciting position with good opportunities for professional development in the area of Insurance Captive Management. Key performance areas As part of the Risk Management Group you will provide Sandvik's business areas and subsidiaries expertise in the areas of risk exposure and global insurance. You will be responsible for handling financial transactions and reports for Sandvik's insurance company, Sandvik Försäkring AB. Additionally, you will provide support with respect to claims handling. As Captive and Risk Management Information Officer, you will be: - The person highly involved for Sandvik's global insurance lines, particularly for planning and collection of insurance values, and premium allocation, analysis and guidelines. - Financial Manager for Sandvik Försäkrings AB and handle invoicing/allocation of premiums in Sweden, payments, main contact for year-end closing and forecast reporting. Additionally, you will be responsible for preparing matters for presentation at board meetings and annual general meetings (AGM), as well as for auditing and payments for damages. - The person with overall responsibility for the department's systems: reporting system (insurance values), development, operation, maintenance, system support and guidelines. - The contact person for subsidiaries with respect to ongoing issues, coordination with external parties, and questions, information and training regarding insurance issues and business continuity planning, analysis and calculations. Your profile We are looking for someone with an MBA or the equivalent practical experience. You must have at least three years' experience of working with year-end closing and financial reports, as well as some understanding of insurance operations. Very good knowledge of the MS Office Suite, particularly Excel, is a requirement, as are good skills in English and Swedish, both verbal and written. We also expect you to be familiar with IFRS. Good knowledge of production operations is advantageous, as is knowledge of SAP or other business systems. As an individual you are outgoing and service minded and easily cooperate with others. You have an analytical and structured way of working and can adapt your communication to many different target audiences. The position requires you to work independently and proactively, take a great deal of responsibility and possess excellent communication skills. You gladly share your knowledge and interact well with both clients and colleagues. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Emelie Ekholm, recruiting manager, +46 (0)8 456 13 36 Åsa Alm, HR Advisor, +46 (0)26 260 315 Union contacts Per Hedman, Unionen, +46 (0)26 265 014 Maths Scherman, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26 266 734 Send your application no later than July 28, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 323262. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Irene Sveen
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Stockholm
Publicerad : 06-14
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Captive and Risk Management Information Officer jobb
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Sandvik Materials Technology är en världsledande tillverkare av högt förädlade produkter i avancerade rostfria stål, speciallegeringar samt metalliska och keramiska motståndsmaterial för de mest krävande industrierna. Spetskompetensen bygger på en integrerad produktionsplattform samt en världsledande metallurgi och FoU-verksamhet. Produktområden är Tube, Strip, Wire and Heating Technology samt Primary Products. Produktområde Tube är specialiserat inom sömlösa och svetsade rör. Vi är världsledande inom området rörprodukter av avancerade legeringar och rostfria specialstål. Huvudmarknader är kemisk- och petrokemisk industri, olja och gas, kärnkraft samt många andra industrisegment där höga krav ställs på såväl korrosions- och mekaniska egenskaper som på tillförlitlighet. Avdelningen Produktionsteknik består av 15 ingenjörer och tekniker som arbetar med förbättringar av produktionsprocessen inom PU Sandviken Cold. Arbetet är av teknisk karaktär och innefattar maskin- och materialteknik såväl som tillverkningsrelaterade frågor. Arbetsuppgifter Som produktionsingenjör kommer dina huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter bestå av att: - bistå produktionsavsnitten vid problemlösning av såväl teknisk karaktär gällande maskinutrustning, som frågor av materialteknisk karaktär gällande produkter. - arbeta med produktionsflödet, exempelvis analyser av produktionsutfall och kvalitet. - utveckla och förbättra processer och maskinutrustning samt deras kapabilitet och prestanda. - leda och driva utvecklingsprojekt såväl som mindre investeringsprojekt. - medverka i större ombyggnads- och investeringsprojekt som teknisk sakkunnig. - säkerställa att processen för ständiga förbättringar efterlevs och utvecklas. - bevaka den tekniska utvecklingen inom det produktionstekniska området. - i förekommande fall ansvara för framtagande av tekniska underlag för tillverkning. Din profil Vi söker dig som har en universitets- eller högskoleutbildning med teknisk inriktning. Har du flera års erfarenhet från en liknande roll samt materialteknisk kompetens är det meriterande liksom om du tidigare drivit utvecklingsprojekt och/eller arbetat med produktionsutveckling. Som person är du driven och har ett strukturerat arbetssätt där du prioriterar, dokumenterar och planerar ditt arbete på ett effektivt sätt. Vi ser även att du är lyhörd för verksamhetens behov och har ett intresse för att arbeta med förbättringsmöjligheter i vår verksamhet. I arbetet som produktionsingenjör har du daglig kontakt med olika produktionsavsnitt såväl som konstruktion, kvalitet, FoU och andra funktioner. Vi värdesätter därför även god kommunikations- och initiativförmåga. Vi arbetar aktivt för att skapa en arbetsplats som präglas av mångfald och inkludering. Kontaktinformation För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta: Stefan Heino, rekryterande chef, 026-26 44 28 Kristian Espås, HR Advisor, 026-26 90 14 Fackliga kontaktpersoner Josef Osta, Sveriges ingenjörer, 026-26 46 19 Mikael Larsson, Unionen, 026-26 31 66 Glenn Holm, Ledarna, 026-26 38 09 Skicka in din ansökan så snart som möjligt, dock senast 2013-08-11 då löpande urval sker. Läs mer om Sandvik och ansök via, jobb-id: 324159. För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen kontakta HRdirect, 020-26 14 44. Ansvarig rekryterare Margareta Linde Följ oss också på Sandvik är en global industrikoncern med avancerade produkter och en vä
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Sandviken
Publicerad : 07-12
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Produktionsingenjör jobb, Produktionsingenjör Sandviken, Produktionsingenjör Sandvik AB
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Welding Engineers
Sandvik Materials Technology is a world-leading manufacturer of high value-added products in advanced stainless steels, special alloys, as well as metallic and ceramic resistance materials for the most demanding industries. Its cutting-edge expertise is based on an integrated production platform and world-leading metallurgy and R&D. Operations are divided into four product areas: Tube, Strip, Wire and Heating Technology - and Primary Products. Due to our increased ambitions within Research and Development (R&D), we are now looking for two new welding engineers for our Welding & Wire department in Sandviken. As a welding engineer you will play a central part in securing our position as a leading global supplier of welding consumables. You will discover a creative and international environment where the work is done in a modern and innovative way. Key performance areas As a Welding Engineer in our R&D department for Welding & Wire, you will develop new and existing products for welding and other Sandvik products, as well as provide welding expertise for the whole Sandvik group. Our new products are created in project teams with participants from marketing, production, product management and R&D departments. Within the project team, you will be responsible for the design and performance of the welding products. In your position you will also: - Develop knowledge of welding processes and consumables - Develop knowledge of all Sandvik Materials Technology's materials - Develop and implement new product development methods - Develop and implement methods for technical support - Build network with subsidiaries, production units and customers - Participate in external projects - Participate in the process of generating ideas for future products We place great importance on personal development. Your profile We are looking for someone with a BSc or MSc in materials science, welding metallurgy or who has the equivalent work experience. Experience in welding is a requirement and if you have experience from product development or as a welding engineer (IWE) it is considered an advantage. Knowledge of MS Office is a prerequisite while knowledge of MS Project is a plus. As the work involves frequent international contacts, you need to have good communication skills in English. Knowledge of Swedish is advantageous. You are a creative person who is a source of inspiration and have the ambition to develop and learn. You work well independently as well as with others in a team setting. You also have a structured and analytical way of working where you prioritize, plan and organize your work in an efficient manner. We prefer if you are open to change and want to be involved with and influence the department's development. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Mette Ramberg Frodigh, recruiting manager, +46 (0)26 264 817 Dilip Chandrasekaran, R&D Manager, Wire and Heating Technology, +46 (0)220 216 21 Jon Jakobson, HR Advisor, +46 (0)26 260 436 Union contacts Agneta Östberg, Unionen, +46 (0)26 264 311 Mats Lundberg, Sveriges Ingenjörer, +46 (0)26 263 364 Send your application no later than August 31, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 322670. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Anna Persson
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Sandviken
Publicerad : 07-11
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Welding Engineers jobb
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Senior Project Managers
Sandvik Materials Technology (SMT) is a business area within the Sandvik Group and a world-leading manufacturer of high value-added products in advanced stainless steels, special alloys, as well as metallic and ceramic resistance materials for the most demanding industries. Its cutting-edge expertise is based on an integrated production platform and world-leading metallurgy and R&D. Operations are divided into four product areas: Tube, Strip, Wire and Heating Technology - and Primary Products. SMT Project Office is SMT's central organization for matters concerning Project Management. We are currently looking for two driven, self-motivated Senior Project Managers. Key performance areas As a Senior Project Manager your duties will be greatly varied. A large part of the role involves being the project manager for our most important projects somewhere in the world and to provide project management support for the organization. You will also carry out training of various kinds or work with development of our project model and related methodology. Projects are varied and include, among others: - Developing processes and/or new products - Building new or increased production capacity - Upgrading SMT's infrastructure - Installing new support systems The positions involve traveling. Your profile We are looking for someone with several years of broad experience managing larger and complex projects and have experience from industrial environment in larger manufacturing companies. We expect that you have technical education from college or university. Relevant training in the area of project management and financing is of value as well. In addition to prior capability as a Senior Project Manager, other management experience, such as Plant Manager, for example, is also advantageous. You have the personal qualities needed for an advanced multi-project environment: you are extremely flexible and are able to navigate in a large organization on your own. The position of Senior Project Manager places strong demands on your leadership qualities: you must be perceptive and able to create trusting cooperation in a natural manner, as well as to inspire and motivate your co-workers to create team spirit and enthusiasm for reaching the business goals. Additionally, you instill confidence and offer both a consultative working style and more direct leadership when the situation requires it. We actively work to create a workplace that is characterized by diversity and inclusion. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Johan Bywall, recruiting assistant manager, +46 (0)70 228 03 75 Jon Jakobsson, HRA, +46 (0)26 260 436 Union contacts Mikael Larsson, Unionen, +46 (0)26 263 166 Mats Lundberg, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26 263 364 Glenn Holm, Ledarna, +46 (0)26 263 809 Send your application no later than August 25, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 317181. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Maria von Matérn
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Sandviken
Publicerad : 07-10
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Senior Project Managers jobb
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Business Controller
Group Function Control is a part of Group Business Control and has a primary focus on providing financial follow-up and analysis of global functional costs in the areas of Finance, HR, Legal, Communications, Indirect Purchasing and IT. We are now looking for a Business Controller to focus on the functional area HR and the costs related to this area within the Group. We can offer you a challenging role at Group level, where you will have a good overview and the opportunity to interact globally across all business areas and locations of the Group while working operationally and pedagogically to analyze and communicate in your focus area. Key performance areas As Business Controller your main responsibilities include to: - Maintain quality assurance and follow-up of the HR functions global costs and FTEs, providing trends and analysis to relevant stakeholders and highlighting potential issues - Manage and coordinate the planning and forecasting process for the HR function - Support HR management in change projects and ensure proper creation and documentation of business cases - Review business activities and performance to detect problems, anomalies, errors, threats and opportunities - Take ownership of the Group reporting instructions for FTE reporting. Ensure that the management reporting needs in this area are covered - Take ownership of the Group reporting instructions for functional costs in the HR area, ensuring that the functional needs in the management reporting are catered for Your profile We are looking for someone with a degree in Finance and a few years' experience of working as a Controller. It is desirable that you have experience from business control on a consolidated level, HR processes, change projects and business case development. It is also advantageous if you have experience from change management and/or leading projects. You have good knowledge of MS Office, and excellent communication skills in English, both written and verbal, are a prerequisite. Knowledge of Swedish is advantageous. You have the ability to work cross-functionally, are motivated and gladly take the initiative, with the ability to get activities started, follow them up and show results. You have the ability to analyze numbers and to communicate matters of financial importance to non-finance colleagues and management at different levels of the organization. You take a strategic approach and have good leadership qualities: you are perceptive, can create trusting cooperation in a natural manner and can inspire and motivate your co-workers, creating team spirit and enthusiasm for reaching the business goals. You are also analytical and ask critical questions, and you have the ability to influence decisions and take part in managing change in an unassuming manner. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Johan Eriksson, recruiting manager, +46 (0)8 456 12 20 Union contacts Maths Scherman, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26 266 734 Glenn Holm, Ledarna, +46 (0)26 263 809 Stefan Wiborgh, Unionen, +46 (0)26 261 561 Send your application no later than August 15, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 323695. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Irene Sveen
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Sandviken
Publicerad : 07-09
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Business Controller jobb
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Product Development Engineer ? Milling Tools
Would you like to work in a global company and play a part in its success? Sandvik Coromant encourages new ideas and can provide you with great opportunities for development. We are looking for talented people who would like to extend their professional and educational potential. You have the skills and we can help you put them to good use. Due to our increased ambitions within Research and Development (R&D), we are now looking for a Product Development Engineer for our Milling department in Sandviken. As a Product Development Engineer in our team you will play a central part in securing our position as a global leading supplier of tools within metal cutting. You will discover a creative and international environment where the work is done in a modern and innovative way. The organization is dynamic, with a variety of people and ideas. The mix of backgrounds, competencies and experience makes for a creative and exciting work environment. Key performance areas We are a creative and future-oriented team that always strives to give our customers better solutions and to raise the bar for our competitors. We are responsible for the whole process, from idea to launched product, and we are a vital part in ensuring our customers future success. The main challenges we are facing are to find great new solutions for our coming products, speed up our development and build knowledge platforms for the future. As a member of our team, you will work with inspiring, friendly and very skilled colleagues, and together we will develop and design outstanding tools for the metal cutting industry while having a lot of fun. Your primary role will be to focus on the function and the performance of the tool. You will also plan and carry out tests in our local test facilities and globally in our customers' production. We will put a lot of effort into your personal development, since we have a strong belief that that is beneficial both for you and us. Your profile We expect that you have a degree in engineering, or the equivalent work experience. You need to have CAD experience, and experience within metal cutting, product development, design and simulation is advantageous. As the work involves some international contacts, English is required, and you need to be able to do some traveling. As an individual you are open to new ideas and new challenges, are driven and gladly take the initiative. You are structured in your work and have an analytical working style. You are also a team player, with the ambition to develop, learn and solve problems. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Patrik Svedberg, recruiting manager, +46 (0)26 266 704 Kristine Bergström, HR Advisor, +46 (0)26 266 777 Union contacts Torbjörn Wikblom, Unionen, +46 (0)26 266 155 Maths Scherman, Sveriges Ingenjörer, +46 (0)26 266 734 Please send in your application no later than August 11, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 323874. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Lisbeth Häggström
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Sandviken
Publicerad : 07-04
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Product Development Engineer ? Milling Tools jobb
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Metodutvecklare/kalibrerare inom tryck och flöde
Sandvik Materials Technology (SMT) är ett affärsområde inom Sandvik-koncernen och en världsledande tillverkare av högt förädlade produkter i avancerade rostfria stål, speciallegeringar samt metalliska och keramiska motståndsmaterial för de mest krävande industrierna. Spetskompetensen bygger på en integrerad produktionsplattform samt en världsledande metallurgi och FoU-verksamhet. Kalibreringscentrum, som ingår i FoU-organisationen, koordinerar och utför kalibrering av mätutrustning inom SMT, Sandvik Mining, Sandvik Machining Solutions och Sandvik Process Systems i Sandviken. Vi utökar vårt arbetsområde och står inför en omfattande översyn av befintlig verksamhet. Inom kort kommer vi även att starta en ny instans för kalibrering av storheterna flöde, tryck och daggpunkt. Till Kalibreringscentrum söker vi nu en driven person som kan bidra i arbetet med att starta den nya instansen genom att skapa rutiner, kartlägga behov och lämna förslag på behov av utrustning. Om jobbet Som metodutvecklare/kalibrerare kommer du vara med och driva Kalibreringscentrums verksamhet in i framtiden. Du kommer att arbeta med kalibrering, metodutveckling, utredningar, dokumentationer, inköp av utrustning och tjänster m.m. Tjänsten innebär även att du har kontakt och samarbetar med olika intressenter och kunder inom Sandvik världen över. Då vi ser kontinuerlig kompetensutveckling och nätverksbyggande som en viktig del i din befattning kommer du att ha stora möjligheter att kunna påverka ditt arbete. För rätt person finns därför goda utvecklingsmöjligheter. Om dig Vi söker dig som har erfarenhet av att arbeta med storheterna tryck och flöde och/eller temperatur, då gärna kombinerat med erfarenhet av kvalitetsarbete. Har du tidigare arbetat med kalibrering är detta mycket meriterande. Alternativt söker vi dig med en högskoleexamen med inriktning mätteknik, eller annan likvärdig akademisk utbildning och erfarenhet. Då ser vi gärna att du även har erfarenhet av metodutveckling. Som person är du noggrann och detaljdriven med ett analytiskt arbetssätt och en god förmåga att arbeta tillsammans med andra. Du är också tekniskt lagd och tycker om att arbeta med siffror och mätteknik. Vi arbetar aktivt för att skapa en arbetsplats som präglas av mångfald och inkludering. Kontaktinformation För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta: Peter Olofsson, rekryterande chef, 026-26 05 60 Jon Jakobson, HR Advisor, 026-26 04 36 Fackliga kontaktpersoner Agneta Östberg, Unionen, 026-26 43 11 Mats Lundberg, Sveriges Ingenjörer, 026-26 33 64 Välkommen med din ansökan senast 2013-08-25. Läs mer om Sandvik och ansök på, jobb-id: 320662. För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen kontakta HRdirect, 020-26 14 44. Ansvarig rekryterare Anna Persson Följ oss också på Sandvik är en global industrikoncern med avancerade produkter och en världsledande position inom utvalda områden - verktyg för metallbearbetning, maskiner och verktyg för gruv- och anläggningsindustrin, rostfria material, speciallegeringar, högtemperaturmaterial samt processystem. Koncernen hade 2012 omkring 49 000 medarbetare, representation i 130 länder och en omsättning på cirka 99 000 MSEK.
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Sandviken
Publicerad : 07-03
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Metodutvecklare/kalibrerare inom tryck och flöde jobb
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Senior SAP Basis Technician
Sandvik IT is the Group's support function with responsibility for meeting the IT needs of Sandvik's global business areas. This is done in an international environment with varied areas of responsibility, such as IT architecture, system management, process development and IT security and support. Presently there are approximately 1000 people working with IT within the Sandvik Group. Sandvik IT's SAP function has many exciting projects in progress and is looking for an experienced SAP Basis technician, in order to meet the increasing demands of Sandvik's business areas. The SAP function offers Basis competency that supports the company's function for Application Management, as well as directly to our global customers within Sandvik. Key performance areas As a SAP Basis Technician you will be part of a team whose primary responsibilities include: - Daily operations in the area - Participation in technical change projects - Coordination and system upgrades - Installation of new SAP applications - Continual improvement of methods and internal processes - Technical support for the organization The operating systems and database engines we use are all based on Microsoft's latest technology. Your profile We are looking for someone with a strong interest in IT, with the desire and ability to learn new things. Backgrounds may vary, but we prefer that you have a degree relevant to the position, or the equivalent experience and knowledge, and 3-4 years' IT experience and SAP Basis experience. We expect that you have experience with the technical components of the SAP platform, as well as Windows-based operating systems and databases. Good knowledge of English, both spoken and written, is a prerequisite, while knowledge of Swedish is an advantage. You are proactive and independent, but also a team player who works well in teams consisting of Swedish and international co-workers. You are analytical, thorough, open and challenging. You have the ability to both see opportunities and develop them, not only by yourself, but also within our business. We are certain you see the advantages of a large network, both within Sweden and internationally. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Håkan Olsson, Functional Manager, Integration, Basis and BW, +46 (0)26 261 993 Tomas Grönborg, HR Advisor, +46 (0)26 260 863 Union contacts Urban Höög, Unionen, +46 (0)26 261 713 Anna-Karin Wedin, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26 262 780 Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)26 261 984 Send your application no later than August 25, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 322533. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Mónica Södermark-Puentes Sandvik is a global industrial group with advanced products and world-leading positions in selected areas - tools for metal cutting, equipment and tools for the mining and construction industries, stainless materials, special alloys, metallic and ceramic resistance materials as well as process systems. In 2012 the Group had about 49,000 employees and representation in 130 countries, with annual sales of about 99,000 MSEK.
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Sandviken
Publicerad : 06-27
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Senior SAP Basis Technician jobb
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Senior IT Systems Developer for QlikView
Sandvik IT Global Shared Service (GSS) is a global organization, present in all major Sandvik countries and with co-workers in approximately 40 countries. Sandvik IT's mission is to identify and understand business needs to deliver suitable and cost efficient IT solutions that add value to the Sandvik business and IT consumers in transformation and daily operations. Our aim is to be a valued business partner with standardized solutions, cost efficiency and a truly global way of working. Key performance areas As Senior Systems Developer you will work with systems development and programming. The work includes carrying out feasibility studies and making time estimates, as well as establishing specifications, in order to map out customers' needs. Your main responsibilities include to: - Facilitate the gathering, consolidation and prioritization of customer business requirements - Develop systems considering scalability, security, accessibility and extendibility - Create pre-studies, system specifications and time estimates - Design and create program code - Suggest solutions and functions to customers You will work closely with our business partners to understand business requirements for performance and analytics to deliver effective solutions. Your profile This position requires an experienced systems developer of business intelligence QlikView solutions. The successful candidate has at least four years' experience of systems development with QlikView, as well as an ability to present and articulate conceptual information data models and technical architecture. You have good spoken and written English, as well as strong ability to ask probing questions. A profound understanding of Business Intelligence architectures, best practices and industry standards is a prerequisite, as is a solid understanding of data warehousing, relational database concepts, dimensional database concepts and database architecture and design. Experience of being a mentor for co-workers, as well as with handling requirements, testing and working with Scrum/KANBAN, is considered an advantage. You are result and customer oriented, and gladly take the initiative. You have good communicative skills, are highly motivated and a quick learner who is able to work independently or as part of a team in an international environment. It is also important that you can take responsibility, as you will be given responsibility for your own assignments. Furthermore, you are experienced in documenting technical solutions and are driven to work towards improving the processes and methods of working. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Lotta Innerman, recruiting manager, +46 (0)26 260 850 Tomas Grönborg, HR Advisor, +46 (0)26 260 863 Union contacts Urban Höög, Unionen, +46 (0)26 261 713 Anna-Karin Wedin, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26 262 780 Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)26 261 984 Send your application no later than August 25, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 323585. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Mónica Södermark-Puentes
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Sandviken
Publicerad : 06-25
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Senior IT Systems Developer for QlikView jobb
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Flödeschef till Sandviken Hot - Extrusion
Har du vad som krävs för att utveckla vår verksamhet och tillsammans med dina medarbetare uppnå resultat och kvalitet? Tror du precis som vi på ett kreativt, stödjande och situationsanpassat ledarskap? Då är det dig vi söker! Produktområde Tube, inom Sandvik Materials Technology (SMT), är specialiserat inom sömlösa och svetsade rör och rördelar. Vi är världsledande inom området rörprodukter av avancerade legeringar och rostfria specialstål. Huvudmarknader är kemisk och petrokemisk industri, olja och gas, kraftelektronik och många andra industrigrenar där höga krav ställs på korrosions- och mekaniska egenskaper samt tillförlitlighet. Produktenhet Sandviken Hot består av ca 450 medarbetare och ansvarar för den varma processen av rörtillverkningen i Sandviken. Nu söker vi en driven och engagerad chef till en av våra extrusionspressar. Arbetsuppgifter Som flödeschef har du det formella personalansvaret och fungerar som första linjens chef med ansvar för människa, maskin, metod och miljö. Dina huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter innefattar att: - driva avdelningens Step Change-plan där säkerhet, kvalitet, produktivitet och kostnad är prioriterat. - delta i avdelningens ledningsgruppsarbete och säkerställa både den dagliga verksamheten och det långsiktiga strategiarbetet. - ansvara för fördelningen av arbetsuppgifter inom det egna området samt kontrollera att de utförs i enlighet med överenskomna rutiner. - ansvara för att arbetet bedrivs och utvecklas i enlighet med SMT:s ledningssystem för kvalitet, miljö, energi och säkerhet samt i enlighet med SMT Business System. - ansvara för personalens utveckling på kort och lång sikt. Du ingår i ledningsgruppen för Extrusion och varm färdigställning och har därigenom möjlighet att påverka avdelningens långsiktiga strategiska arbete. Din profil Vi söker dig som har en för tjänsten relevant utbildning, gärna som civilingenjör eller motsvarande, samt erfarenhet av personal- och produktionsledning. Har du erfarenhet av förändringsarbete och kunskap inom LEAN-tillverkning är det meriterande. God datorvana är en förutsättning. För att lyckas i rollen är det viktigt att du har goda ledaregenskaper såsom förmåga att motivera dina medarbetare till att skapa laganda och engagemang samt en vilja och mod att förändra. Som person är du stresstålig, strukturerad och systematisk. Arbetet kräver vidare förmåga att planera med god framförhållning på övergripande nivå samt med noggrannhet för detaljer på den operativa dagliga nivån. Kontaktinformation För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta: Per Johansson, produktionsschef, 026-26 48 59 Jonna Taskila, HR Manager, 026-26 30 41 Fackliga kontaktpersoner Arto Tolppanen, IF Metall, 026-26 50 66 Glenn Holm, Ledarna, 026-26 38 09 Mikael Larsson, Unionen, 026-26 31 66 Välkommen med din ansökan senast 2013-07-28. Läs mer om Sandvik och ansök via, jobb-id: 323511. För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen kontakta HRdirect, 020-26 14 44. Ansvarig rekryterare Marie From Följ oss också på Sandvik är en global industrikoncern med avancerade produkter och en världsledande position inom utvalda områden - verktyg för metallbearbetning, maskiner och verktyg för gruv- och anläggningsindustrin, rostfria material, speciallegeringar, högtemperaturmaterial samt processystem. Koncernen hade 2012 omkring 49 000 medarbetare och representation i 130 länder.
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Sandviken
Publicerad : 06-20
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Flödeschef till Sandviken Hot - Extrusion jobb
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IT Test Specialists
Sandvik IT Global Shared Service (GSS) is a global organization, present in all major Sandvik countries and with co-workers in approximately 40 countries. Sandvik IT's mission is to identify and understand business needs to deliver suitable and cost efficient IT solutions that add value to the Sandvik business and IT consumers in transformation and daily operations. Our aim is to be a valued business partner with standardized solutions, cost efficiency and a truly global way of working. Global Business Services is a function within Sandvik IT GSS, responsible for delivery and supply of global business services such as support, development and training. The Enterprise Business Platform area is responsible for all SAP templates. We are now looking for four IT Test Specialists to be located in Sandviken, Sweden. Key performance areas As an IT Test Specialist you will be an important part of Sandvik IT Enterprise Business Platform, where you will be part of the new Test Core team. Your main tasks will be to prepare and design manual and automated test cases/suites using the test tools IBM Rational Quality Manager and Worksoft Certify. You will also maintain the test tools and learn specific SAP modules/processes. Other responsibilities will be to: - Execute manual and automatic testing - Evaluate and report testing activities - Report results to Test Leader - Actively act in further development of methods and tools for testing - Support the SAP deliveries and educate users so that the test tools are used in an optimal way - Verify that requirements are testable Your profile We are looking for someone with a degree in computer science, or equivalent experience. You have three to five years' experience working within the test area with test tools and test-related activities. SAP experience and knowledge is advantageous. For this position excellent communication skills in English, both verbal and written, are a prerequisite. As a person you are enthusiastic and analytical and pay attention to details. You are also service minded, with a strong customer focus and the ability to transform customer requirements into working solutions. Furthermore, you are a team player, used to working within agile teams, and have the ability to express yourself clearly and in a pedagogical manner. Since this is a new area within the SAP delivery it?s important to be proactive and flexible, in order to build a new effective team. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Åsa Sellman, recruiting manager, +46 (0)26 265 852 Tomas Grönborg, HR Advisor, +46 (0)26 260 863 Union contacts Urban Höög, Unionen, +46 (0)26 261 713 Anna-Karin Wedin, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26 262 780 Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)26 261 984 Send your application no later than August 18, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 323678. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Mónica Södermark-Puentes
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Sandviken
Publicerad : 06-20
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IT Test Leaders
Sandvik IT Global Shared Service (GSS) is a global organization, present in all major Sandvik countries and with co-workers in approximately 40 countries. Sandvik IT's mission is to identify and understand business needs to deliver suitable and cost efficient IT solutions that add value to the Sandvik business and IT consumers in transformation and daily operations. Our aim is to be a valued business partner with standardized solutions, cost efficiency and a truly global way of working. Global Business Services is a function within Sandvik IT GSS, responsible for delivery and supply of global business services such as support, development and training. The Enterprise Business Platform area is responsible for all SAP templates. We are now looking for two IT Test Leaders. The position is to be based in Sandviken but the work can be divided between Sandviken and another location if desired. Key performance areas As an IT Test Leader you will be an important part of Sandvik IT Enterprise Business Platform, where you will be part of the new Test Core team. Your main tasks will be to plan, design and coordinate system and acceptance testing activities. Our test process is based on TMAP Next. In your role you will also: - Lead and support staff in test assignments - Evaluate the result, effectiveness and coverage - Verify that requirements are testable - Organize and facilitate Product Risk Analyses (PRA) to determine where to put the most test effort - Act as Test Data Manager - Report test results to the project manager and SAP test center responsible Your profile We are looking for someone with a degree in computer science, or equivalent experience. You have three to five years? experience working within the test area with test management and test-related activities. To be suited for this role you need to have developed leadership skills, together with IT operational experience. You need to be able to combine a results-oriented approach with a theoretical background and strike the right balance between theory and meeting project budget and deadlines. SAP experience and knowledge is advantageous. For this position excellent communication skills in English, both verbal and written, are a prerequisite. As a person you are enthusiastic and analytical and pay attention to details. You are also service minded, with a strong customer focus and the ability to transform customer requirements into working solutions. Furthermore, you are a team player, used to working in agile teams, and have the ability to express yourself clearly and in a pedagogical manner. Since this is a new area within the SAP delivery it?s important to be proactive and flexible, in order to build a new effective team. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Åsa Sellman, recruiting manager, +46 (0)26 265 852 Tomas Grönborg, HR Advisor, +46 (0)26 260 863 Union contacts Urban Höög, Unionen, +46 (0)26 261 713 Anna-Karin Wedin, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26 262 780 Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)26 261 984 Send your application no later than August 18, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 323678. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Mónica Södermark-Puentes
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Sandviken
Publicerad : 06-20
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga IT Test Leaders jobb
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Global Category Leader, Production and Assembly
Are you looking for challenging assignments in an international environment? Do you want to take part in, and be a driving force behind, a new, exciting effort to develop our Category Management model for Direct Purchasing? Sandvik Machining Solutions (SMS) is a business area within the Sandvik Group and a global market-leading manufacturer of tools and tooling systems for advanced industrial metal cutting. Products are manufactured in cemented carbide and other hard materials, such as diamond, cubic boron nitride and special ceramics. The total purchasing volume for SMS is approximately 11 billion SEK per annum. For Direct Purchasing, we are organizing our Category Management model into four major Level 1 Categories, one of which is Production and Assembly Materials. The content of this category includes tool steel, fasteners, drivers, assembly materials, packaging and starting material for the manufacturing of CBN and PCD inserts and tools. We are now looking for a Global Category Leader (GCL) for fasteners, drivers and assembly materials. Key performance areas As a GCL you will develop a strategic business plan for the category and maintain it on both short and long term. The business plan is to be clear in its objectives and activities and you will lead the improvements in co-operation with the main stakeholders. To develop and maintain the supplier base is also essential. You are expected to apply all relevant tools from the internal purchasing process. You will also have global responsibility to ensure correct usage of the Sandvik Category connected to Sandvik Spend, enabling a high quality understanding of the spend. Securing appropriate agreements for the category is also within the responsibility of the GCL. In this position you are also responsible for interaction with the users and stakeholders, such as PUs, the supply functions and the respective R&D functions at the Product Areas. The position will require travelling. Your profile We are looking for someone with a degree within technology and/or business, combined with five years' experience of a commercial leadership role. You have a genuine interest in production matters, and proven negotiation skills in an international environment are a prerequisite for this position. We have a network-based model, which means that your ability to lead multifunctional international teams is important. You are also fluent in English, both verbally and in writing. As a person you combine result orientation with a strategic mind-set and a high degree of personal integrity. Furthermore, you have excellent communication skills and the ability to sell in new ideas, both internally and externally. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Roger Westlund, Global Category Manager, Production and Assembly Materials, SMS, +46 (0)70 297 45 81 Camilla Philipsson, HR Advisor, +46 (0)26 266 196 Union contacts Thomas Eriksson, Unionen, +46 (0)70 261 04 82 Maths Scherman, Sveriges Ingenjörer, +46 (0)26 266 734 Send your application no later than July 27, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 319837. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Irene Sveen
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Sandviken
Publicerad : 06-20
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Global Category Leader, Production and Assembly jobb
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Chef för Mekaniskt Underhåll
Har du vad som krävs för att utveckla vår verksamhet och tillsammans med dina medarbetare uppnå resultat och kvalitet? Tror du på ett kreativt, stödjande och situationsanpassat ledarskap precis som vi? Produktområde Tube, inom Sandvik Materials Technology (SMT), är specialiserat inom sömlösa och svetsade rör och rördelar. Vi är världsledande inom området rörprodukter av avancerade legeringar och rostfria specialstål. Huvudmarknader är kemisk och petrokemisk industri, olja och gas, kraftelektronik och många andra industrigrenar där höga krav ställs på korrosions- och mekaniska egenskaper samt tillförlitlighet. Produktenhet Sandviken Hot Supply består i dagsläget av cirka 450 medarbetare och står för den varma processen av rörtillverkning i Sandviken. Nu söker vi en chef för gruppen Mekaniskt Underhåll med placering i Sandviken. Arbetsuppgifter Som chef för Mekaniskt Underhåll har du det övergripande ansvaret för det förebyggande och avhjälpande mekaniska underhållet samt för samplanering av alla insatser på planerade underhållsstopp. Dina huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter innefattar att: - delta i avdelningens ledningsgruppsarbete och säkerställa både den dagliga verksamheten och det långsiktiga strategiarbetet. - ansvara för fördelningen av arbetsuppgifter inom det egna området samt kontrollera att arbetsuppgifterna utförs i enlighet med överenskomna rutiner. - ansvara för den övergripande samplaneringen inför samtliga planerade underhållsinsatser vad gäller säkerhet, kvalitet, resurser och ledtider. - ansvara för att arbetet bedrivs och utvecklas i enlighet med SMT:s ledningssystem för kvalitet, miljö, energi och säkerhet samt i enlighet med SMT Business System. - ansvara för gruppens utveckling på kort och lång sikt beträffande metoder, kostnadseffektivitet, produktivitet, kapacitet, resultat och kvalitet. Du ingår i ledningsgruppen för underhåll på produktenheten i Sandviken och rapporterar till underhållschefen. Din profil Vi söker dig som har en för tjänsten relevant utbildning, gärna som civilingenjör eller liknande, samt erfarenhet från arbete inom tillverkande industri, lämpligen från en underhållsteknisk befattning. God datorvana är ett krav liksom tidigare arbetslivserfarenhet från en chefsbefattning. Som person är du målfokuserad och flexibel med goda ledaregenskaper såsom öppenhet och tydlighet med förmågan att motivera medarbetare samt skapa laganda och engagemang för att uppnå fastställda mål. Du är självgående och strukturerad med förmåga att hantera flera ärenden parallellt. Du gillar utmaningar som kräver helhetssyn och kreativitet samtidigt som du har ett systematiskt och processorienterat arbetssätt. Kontaktinformation För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta: Niklas Rönn, underhållschef, 026-26 38 76 Jonna Taskila, HR Manager, 026-26 30 41 Fackliga kontaktpersoner Arto Tolppanen, IF Metall, 026-26 50 66 Glenn Holm, Ledarna, 026-26 38 09 Välkommen med din ansökan senast 2013-07-28. Skicka in din ansökan så snart som möjligt då löpande urval sker. Läs mer om Sandvik och ansök via, jobb-id: 323216. För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen kontakta HRdirect, 026-26 14 44. Ansvarig rekryterare Marie From Följ oss också på
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Sandviken
Publicerad : 06-12
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Chef för Mekaniskt Underhåll jobb
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Business Intelligence Solution/Service Architect
Sandvik IT is a global organization, present in all major Sandvik countries and with co-workers in approximately 40 countries. Sandvik IT's mission is to identify and understand business needs to deliver suitable and cost efficient IT solutions that add value for Sandvik's business and IT consumers in transformation and daily operations. The Business Intelligence (BI) Competence center at Sandvik IT Global Shared Service supports Sandvik?s business by delivering efficient, global and innovative support solutions for end-to-end business decisions. We provide all types of end-to-end BI capabilities from Solution Sales and Consulting and Development Projects to Application Management and BI co-sourcing. Key performance areas As a BI Solution and Service Architect for QlikView your main responsibilities include to: - Take responsibility for the development, solution, technical strategy and roadmap of the QlikView platform - Facilitate the gathering, consolidation and prioritization of customers' business requirements - Work with developers, operations, business end-users and management teams to ensure a holistic integration of QlikView solutions within the entire Sandvik IT landscape - Ensure relevant design and architecture of the QlikView service, considering all relevant types of service assets and in relation to applicable guidelines, rules and processes - Suggest CSI based on relevant monitoring, measurement and reporting, as well as relevant operational performance indicators - Redesign the service architecture according to CSI findings - Contribute from an architectural perspective to the creation and maintenance of a Service Plan - Suggest tools and methods for monitoring, measurement and reporting, as well as relevant operational performance indicators - Suggest solutions enabling service budgeting, follow-up, forecasting, cost control, invoicing or other necessary administrative routines - Analyze the alignment of the service with strategies and standards within Sandvik. Your profile You hold a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, IT or other relevant area and have three to five years? experience in using QlikView. You have solid experience in designing and building QlikView applications, ITIL processes and BI technologies. You also have the ability to present and articulate conceptual information data models, as well as technical architecture. We expect that you have a thorough understanding of BI architectures, best practices and industry standards on the QlikView platform. Good communication skills in English and Swedish are required. As a person you are motivated and a quick learner, with the ability to work independently, as well as with a team, in an international environment. We also expect that you have strong communication skills. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Lotta Innerman, recruiting manager, +46 (0)26 260 850 Tomas Grönborg, HR Advisor, +46 (0)26 260 863 Union contacts Urban Höög, Unionen, +46 (0)26 261 713 Anna-Karin Wedin, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26 262 780 Peter Olsson-Andrée, Ledarna, +46 (0)26 261 984 Send your application no later than August 11, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 323250 For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Mónica Södermark-Puentes
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Sandviken
Publicerad : 06-10
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Business Intelligence Solution/Service Architect jobb
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Utvecklingsingenjör inom gjutning
Har du ett stort teknikintresse och stimuleras av att arbeta med tekniskt komplexa och avancerade produkter? Lockas du av möjligheten att få arbeta med processmetallurgi och kvalitet i en spektakulär miljö? Då är du rätt person för tjänsten! Vi söker nu en utvecklingsingenjör till enheten Processutveckling metallurgi och gjutning (SFFVM) inom affärsområdet Sandvik Materials Technology (SMT). Vid enheten arbetar idag nio medarbetare med forskningsarbete inriktat mot ståltillverkning och gjutning. Förutom processutveckling med syfte att förbättra vår produktkvalitet och sänka våra tillverkningskostnader ingår medarbetarna från enheten i produktutvecklingsprojekt för hela SMT som tekniska specialister inom metallurgi och gjutning. Arbetsuppgifter Som utvecklingsingenjör hos oss kommer du att: - vara processtöd i produktionen gällande sträng- och götgjutning. - delta i och leda utvecklingsprojekt som syftar till att ge ökad produktivitet och kvalitet i sträng- och götgjutning samt relaterade processer. - aktivt bevaka den internationella utvecklingen inom områdena stränggjutning och götgjutning samt allmänt inom stelnings- och gjutningsområdet. - arbeta med ständiga förbättringar. Internationellt samarbete förekommer med Sandviks forskningscenter i Pune, Indien. Din profil Vi söker dig som har en civilingenjörsutbildning alternativt teknologie doktor, licentiat med processmetallurgisk inriktning. Utbildning med inriktning mot gjutning och stelning, några års erfarenhet av rostfri ståltillverkning samt goda kunskaper i simuleringsprogram, exempelvis Thermo-Calc, är meriterande. Goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska, i både tal och skrift, är en förutsättning då tekniska rapporter på engelska kan förekomma. Vi ser att du har mycket goda kunskaper i matematisk statistik för att förstå och kunna göra bedömningar av utfall av mätserier. Du behöver även kunna omsätta kända termodynamiska samband och forskningsresultat i tekniska rapporter. Vidare har du ett intresse av att skapa relationer och bygga nätverk som främjar samarbetet med produktionspersonal. Du samarbetar väl tillsammans med andra i grupp. Kontaktinformation För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta: Arashk Memarpour, rekryterande chef, 026-26 56 74 Maja Brask, HR Advisor, 026-26 46 81 Fackliga kontaktpersoner Mats Lundberg, Sveriges Ingenjörer, 026-26 33 64 Agneta Östberg, Unionen, 026-26 43 11 Välkommen med din ansökan senast 2013-08-04. Läs mer om Sandvik och ansök via, jobb-id: 321732. För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen kontakta HRdirect, 020-26 14 44. Ansvarig rekryterare Anna Persson Följ oss också på Sandvik är en global industrikoncern med avancerade produkter och en världsledande position inom utvalda områden - verktyg för metallbearbetning, maskiner och verktyg för gruv- och anläggningsindustrin, rostfria material, speciallegeringar, högtemperaturmaterial samt processystem. Koncernen hade 2012 omkring 49 000 medarbetare, representation i 130 länder och en omsättning på cirka 99 000 MSEK.
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Sandviken
Publicerad : 06-05
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Utvecklingsingenjör inom gjutning jobb
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PU Sandviken är en enhet inom produktområdet Rock Tools som ingår i Sandvik-koncernens affärsområde Sandvik Mining. Enheten tillverkar verktyg för tophammar och DTH för SMC Supply Chain och är uppdelad i fyra olika produktionsavsnitt; skarvborr, helstångs- och värmebehandling samt borrkronor. Stödfunktioner såsom underhåll, inköp och kvalitet och miljö tillkommer. Underhållsavdelningen servar enhetens alla avsnitt i Sandviken med akut och förebyggande underhåll, utrednings- och projektuppdrag. Arbetet bedrivs i nära samarbete med framförallt produktionen men också med övriga avdelningar inom Sandvik. Avdelningen består idag av 27 anställda fördelade på elektriker, mekaniker och dagtidsgrupper. Vi erbjuder dig en möjlighet att vara med och utveckla framtidens underhåll samt ger dig fortlöpande utbildning så att du kan utvecklas inom ditt område. Arbetsuppgifter Som elektriker arbetar du huvudsakligen med förebyggande el-underhåll i FU-gruppen samt är med och utvecklar förebyggande underhåll på företrädelsevis NC-styrda verktygsmaskiner. Vidare bistår du vid förändrings- och konstruktionsarbete. Arbetsformen är för närvarande dagtid med möjlighet till flextid. Din profil Vi söker dig som har en treårig el-teknisk gymnasieutbildning med inriktning mot automation, alternativt har du på annat sätt eller genom annan utbildning förvärvat motsvarande kunskaper. Du har vidare ett brett tekniskt kunnande om industriella anläggningar samt ett intresse för teknik. Tjänsten förutsätter även god datorvana samt goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska, i både tal och skrift. Goda PLC-kunskaper samt erfarenhet av Siemens, Fanuc Mitsubishi och Okuma CNC-system är meriterande. Som person är du kommunikativ och noggrann samt tar initiativ till egen utveckling. Du har vidare god förmåga att lära ut din kunskap och erfarenhet till kollegor. Kontaktinformation För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta: Ulf Källgren, flödeschef - underhåll, 026-26 91 72 Eva Dannberg, HR Advisor, 026-26 08 64 Facklig kontaktperson Lars Karlsson, IF Metall, 026-26 24 34 Välkommen med din ansökan senast 2013-07-31. Läs mer om Sandvik och ansök via, jobb-id: 322079. För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen kontakta HRdirect, 020-26 14 44. Ansvarig rekryterare Margareta Linde Följ oss också på Sandvik är en global industrikoncern med avancerade produkter och en världsledande position inom utvalda områden - verktyg för metallbearbetning, maskiner och verktyg för gruv- och anläggningsindustrin, rostfria material, speciallegeringar, högtemperaturmaterial samt processystem. Koncernen hade 2012 omkring 49 000 medarbetare, representation i 130 länder och en omsättning på cirka 99 000 MSEK.
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Sandviken
Publicerad : 05-29
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga FU-elektriker jobb, FU-elektriker Sandviken, FU-elektriker Sandvik AB
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PU Sandviken är en enhet inom produktområdet Rock Tools som ingår i Sandvik-koncernens affärsområde Sandvik Mining. Enheten tillverkar verktyg för tophammar och DTH för SMC Supply Chain och är uppdelad i fyra olika produktionsavsnitt; skarvborr, helstångs- och värmebehandling samt borrkronor. Stödfunktioner såsom underhåll, inköp och kvalitet och miljö tillkommer. Underhållsavdelningen servar enhetens alla avsnitt i Sandviken med akut och förebyggande underhåll, utrednings- och projektuppdrag. Arbetet bedrivs i nära samarbete med framförallt produktionen men också med övriga avdelningar inom Sandvik. Avdelningen består idag av 27 anställda fördelade på elektriker, mekaniker och dagtidsgrupper. Vi erbjuder dig en möjlighet att vara med och utveckla framtidens underhåll samt ger dig fortlöpande utbildning så att du kan utvecklas inom ditt område. Arbetsuppgifter Som mekaniker/smörjare arbetar du huvudsakligen med förebyggande underhåll i FU-gruppen på företrädelsevis NC-styrda verktygsmaskiner samt övrig produktionsutrustning. Du bistår även vid förändrings- och konstruktionsarbete. Arbetsformen är för närvarande dagtid. Din profil Vi söker dig som har en treårig teknisk gymnasieutbildning, alternativt har du på annat sätt eller genom annan utbildning förvärvat motsvarande kunskaper. Du har ett brett tekniskt kunnande om industriella anläggningar, CNC-styrda maskiner samt ett intresse för teknik. Du utför mekaniska arbeten, exempelvis riktningar, byte av maskinkomponenter samt felsökning på hydrauliska och pneumatiska system. Tjänsten förutsätter även god datorvana samt goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska, i både tal och skrift. Erfarenhet av lagermontering samt kunskap om finmekanik (svarvning, fräsning, slipning) och tribologi är meriterande liksom erfarenhet av svetsning. Vi ser gärna att du innehar B-körkort. Som person är du noggrann och tar initiativ till egen utveckling samt har en god förmåga att lära ut din kunskap och erfarenhet till kollegor. Du är kommunikativ, serviceinriktad och lyhörd för produktionens krav och kan prioritera utifrån det. Kontaktinformation För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta: Ulf Källgren, flödeschef - underhåll, 026-26 91 72 Eva Dannberg, HR Advisor, 026-26 08 64 Facklig kontaktperson Lars Karlsson, IF Metall, 026-26 24 34 Välkommen med din ansökan senast 2013-07-31. Läs mer om Sandvik och ansök via, jobb-id: 322080. För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen kontakta HRdirect, 020-26 14 44. Ansvarig rekryterare Margareta Linde Följ oss också på Sandvik är en global industrikoncern med avancerade produkter och en världsledande position inom utvalda områden - verktyg för metallbearbetning, maskiner och verktyg för gruv- och anläggningsindustrin, rostfria material, speciallegeringar, högtemperaturmaterial samt processystem. Koncernen hade 2012 omkring 49 000 medarbetare, representation i 130 länder och en omsättning på cirka 99 000 MSEK.
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Sandviken
Publicerad : 05-29
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga FU-mekaniker/smörjare jobb, FU-mekaniker/smörjare Sandviken, FU-mekaniker/smörjare Sandvik AB
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Sandvik Mining är ett affärsområde inom Sandvik-koncernen och en världsledande leverantör av maskiner, hårdmetallverktyg, service och tekniska lösningar för gruvindustrin. Produktprogrammet omfattar bergborrning, bergavverkning, krossning, lastning och transportlösningar. Avdelningen Logistics ansvarar för områdets interntransporter, har hand om inkommande gods och material samt ansvarar för centralförrådet. För närvarande arbetar åtta truckförare på avdelningen. Arbetsuppgifter Som truckförare kommer du frakta interna transporter mellan våra montageavdelningar där du lastar av och hanterar inkommande gods och material. Din profil Vi söker dig som har minst tre års erfarenhet av tung truckkörning och är van vid att hantera transporter. Är du bekant med affärssystemet Movex är det meriterande. Vi tillhandahåller intern fortbildning på våra truckar. Du är noggrann med uppmärksamhet på detaljer och visar ett intresse för att vara med och påverka kvaliteten på våra tjänster. Vi värdesätter en hög grad av servicekänsla och strategiskt tänkande kring säkerhet liksom förmåga att samarbeta och arbeta i lag. Kontaktinformation För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta: Kenneth Haraldsson, rekryterande chef, 040-40 90 95 Hanna-Beata Christensson, HR Advisor, 040-40 93 16 Facklig kontaktperson Anders Gsaxner, IF Metall, 040-40 92 51 Välkommen med din ansökan senast 2013-08-04. Läs mer om Sandvik och ansök via, jobb-id: 322094. För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen kontakta HRdirect, 020-26 14 44. Ansvarig rekryterare Maria von Matérn Följ oss också på Sandvik är en global industrikoncern med avancerade produkter och en världsledande position inom utvalda områden - verktyg för metallbearbetning, maskiner och verktyg för gruv- och anläggningsindustrin, rostfria material, speciallegeringar, högtemperaturmaterial samt processystem. Koncernen hade 2012 omkring 49 000 medarbetare, representation i 130 länder och en omsättning på cirka 99 000 MSEK.
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Svedala
Publicerad : 07-12
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Truckförare jobb, Truckförare Svedala, Truckförare Sandvik AB
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Sales Coordinator
Sandvik Construction är ett affärsområde inom Sandvik-koncernen som erbjuder lösningar för praktiskt taget alla applikationer inom anläggningsindustrin, innefattande sådana områden som stenbrott, tunneldrivning, bergschakt, väg- och järnvägsbyggnad, krossning, rivning och återvinning. Produktprogrammet omfattar bergborrverktyg, borriggar, hydraulhammare, anläggningar för materialhantering samt maskiner för krossning och sortering. Global Order and Delivery Service är en Shared Service-avdelning som tillhör både Sandvik Mining och Sandvik Construction. Vi söker nu en Sales Coordinator till en tjänst med många globala kontakter. Du ingår i ett mindre team med god sammanhållning där vi delar med oss av våra kunskaper och erfarenheter. Arbetsuppgifter Som Sales Coordinator har du en koordinerande roll mellan produktion, sälj- och fraktbolag. Du kommer främst att ange leveranstider, administrera beställningar samt koordinera och bevaka pågående leveranser. Parallellt kommer du även att utveckla rutiner och processer på ett proaktivt sätt. I rollen är det viktigt att du förstår och har förmågan att se samband mellan våra olika system. Din profil Vi söker dig med teknisk kunskap och ett stort teknikintresse. Du har erfarenhet från produktion och koordinering samt minst fem års arbetslivserfarenhet av liknande arbetsuppgifter. Vi ser även att du har erfarenhet av affärssystemet Movex, eller liknande system. Har du erfarenhet från orderhantering, inköp eller produktionsplanering meriterande. Det är viktigt att du har goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska, i både tal och skrift. Som person är du driven och tar gärna initiativ samt har förmåga att se förbättringsmöjligheter och arbetar proaktivt. Du är van att hantera flera ärenden parallellt och har ett noggrant och strukturerat arbetssätt. Vidare är du serviceinriktad och en god relationsbyggare. Kontaktinformation För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta: Margareta Olander, rekryterande chef, 040-40 93 63 Jan Sander, HR Advisor, 040-40 93 71 Facklig kontaktperson Mats Tindberg, Unionen, 040-40 92 20 Välkommen med din ansökan senast 2013-08-04. Läs mer om Sandvik och ansök via, jobb-id: 323556. För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen kontakta HRdirect, 020-26 14 44. Ansvarig rekryterare Maria von Matérn Följ oss också på Sandvik är en global industrikoncern med avancerade produkter och en världsledande position inom utvalda områden - verktyg för metallbearbetning, maskiner och verktyg för gruv- och anläggningsindustrin, rostfria material, speciallegeringar, högtemperaturmaterial samt processystem. Koncernen hade 2012 omkring 49 000 medarbetare, representation i 130 länder och en omsättning på cirka 99 000 MSEK.
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Svedala
Publicerad : 06-28
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Technical Writer
Sandvik Mining is a leading global supplier of equipment and tools, service and technical solutions for the mining industry. The offering covers rock drilling, rock cutting, rock crushing, loading and hauling and materials handling. The site in Svedala develops and manufactures crushing and sorting equipment. The Crushing Research department within R&D is responsible for leading the development of crushing technology, materials and methods for calculations and simulations. As we find ourselves in a very interesting and expansive phase, we are currently looking for an experienced and driven technical writer with an interest in change management. We can offer an exciting role with a great deal of influence. Key performance areas The Lifetime Support department provides product information and technical bulletins for Mining Crushers in a timely fashion. As Technical Writer you will engage in technical writing to support the NPD/CPE projects and conduct research on material necessary for creating accurate manuals. Your main responsibilities include to: - Ensure following manuals are made according to specifications o Parts manuals o Installation manuals o Operators' manuals o Maintenance manuals o Service and repair manuals o Transportation instructions - Ensure documentation teams are using tools and processes as defined in Mining - Follow up performance in NPD, CPE and OBE documentation - Establish a communication network between Customer Services, R&D and Supply, with a strong emphasis on communicating with suppliers for documentation - Continuous improvement, implementation and discipline of technical documentation processes Your profile You have a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Engineering, for example within machinery, and at least five years' experience as a writer of technical documentation, although not necessarily from the same sector. Knowledge of applications such as XML editor, Dita Standard, CMS (context management systems), Vector Illustrator Software, Adobe Illustrator, Acrobat Professional and Photoshop is advantageous. You have excellent communication skills in English, both written and verbal. Skills in other languages are also an advantage. We expect you to be structured, with the ability to plan, organize and prioritize your work efficiently. Additionally, you are self-motivated, gladly take the initiative and are also able to cooperate with others in a team setting. As you will have many internal contacts within R&D, the product line and the sales organization, as well as externally with suppliers and customers, it is important that you are communicative and outgoing, with a talent for building and maintaining relationships. We gladly accept applications from both women and men of different ages, as we actively strive to create a workplace characterized by diversity and equality. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Jonas Lindbro, recruiting manager, +46 (0)40 406 876 Jan Sander, HR Advisor, +46 (0)40 409 371 Union contacts Mats Tindberg, Unionen, +46 (0)40 409 220 Riccardo Repetto, Akademikerföreningen (SI), +46 (0)40 409 394 Kent Hellström, Ledarna, +46 (0)40 409 181 Send your application no later than August 4, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 322669. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)26 261 440. Recruiter Maria von Matérn
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Svedala
Publicerad : 06-27
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Technical Writer jobb
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Category Sourcing Officer/Engineer
Sandvik Construction is a business area within the Sandvik Group providing solutions for virtually any construction industry application encompassing such diverse businesses as surface rock quarrying, tunneling, excavation, demolition, road building, recycling and civil engineering. The range of products includes rock tools, drilling rigs, breakers, bulk-materials handling and crushing and screening machinery. The Sourcing department is responsible for the supply of direct material for Sandvik SRP AB in Svedala and, in some cases, for other buying units around the world. We are now looking for a Category Sourcing Officer/Engineer to manage one of our main material categories. Key performance areas As Category Sourcing Officer/Engineer you will manage the assigned suppliers to ensure that sourcing needs are fulfilled and that expenditures with the assigned category/categories add best possible value to the business. Internally you will be actively working with R&D, production and the Product Lines. Your responsibilities will also include: ? Evaluation, qualification, contracts and management of assigned suppliers ? Preparing and executing commercial negotiations and leading cross functional negotiation teams ? Following developments in the global supply market, continuous benchmarking against assigned category/categories and identifying potential for savings and new suppliers ? Capturing the business needs of the rest of the organization and incorporating these in the Sourcing strategy of the assigned category/categories ? Managing and leading cross functional Sourcing projects The position involves travelling, up to 30 days annually. Your profile We are looking for someone with a degree in the areas of technology, industrial economics or Engineering and at least three years? experience of strategic purchasing. You must have good negotiation, coordination, communication and project management skills, as well as good computer skills, particularly in the use of the MS Office suite. Prior employment with a manufacturing company, preferably internationally, is advantageous, as is experience of managing projects or another leadership position. You must have very good knowledge of English, both written and verbal. Knowledge of other languages is advantageous. As a person you are motivated and analytical, with good ability to plan, organize and prioritize your work in an efficient manner. You must be able to both see the small problems and act to solve them, but also to have an overall view of the situation. We expect that you are communicative and have strong leadership qualities: you are perceptive and easily create a trusting environment for collaboration, as well as inspire and motivate your co-workers in order to reach the business? goals. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Anna Görtz, recruiting manager, +46 (0)40 409 066 Jan Sander, Human Resources, + 46 (0)40 409 371 Union contacts Mats Tindberg, Unionen, +46 (0)40 409 220 Riccardo Repetto, Akademikerföreningen (SI), +46 (0)40 409 394 Kent Hellström, Ledarna, +46 (0)40 409 181 Anders Gsaxner, IF Metall, +46 (0)40 409 251 Send your application no later than August 24, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 320372. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)26 261 440. Recruiter Anna Persson
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Svedala
Publicerad : 06-25
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Category Sourcing Officer/Engineer jobb
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Tactical Buyer for Indirect Purchasing
Are you the business person who will ensure that Sandvik exploits supplier market opportunities in the best possible way? This is your opportunity to develop yourself and to contribute to the development of the new organization within indirect purchasing. The Indirect Purchasing organization is responsible for all interaction with the supplier market. We manage the supplier efforts to deliver the ?right quality, on time and at the lowest total cost? on all products and services purchased for Sandvik. We have thousands of suppliers that are eager to deliver their skills and innovations to Sandvik to make Sandvik even more competitive. The purchasers' role, together with the whole Indirect Purchasing organization, is to ensure that Sandvik does exploit this supplier market in the best possible way, with an attitude that we ?like doing business?. Key performance areas As Tactical Buyer your primary focus will be on the categories that are sourced locally by Sandvik Holding. The position is a role delivering value through analytical and commercial focus in strategic sourcing and procurement. Your main responsibilities also include: - Competitiveness and cost development of the products and services purchased - Generating RFQs and quotes and performing cost and price analysis - One-time buy negotiation and agreements - Acting as a supplier manager and being accountable for the relationship and the performance of suppliers for the site in question - Ensuring the implementation of local, national, regional and global supplier agreements - Collaborating with internal stakeholders and purchasing strategically - On-going communication and change management - Local spend under management and contract compliance - Operational purchasing - Categorization of suppliers Your profile We are looking for someone with a degree in economics or engineering and/or two to three years? experience from purchasing and sourcing, preferably within products and professional services. Good business orientation and skills in Excel and purchasing systems are prerequisites. Having knowledge of Movex and work experience with a larger international industrial company is advantageous. You have good communication skills and knowledge of Swedish and English, both written and verbal. Furthermore, we expect that you have strong interpersonal skills. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Anders Malmborg, recruiting manager, +46 (0)26 263 536 Helena Sidenvall, HR Advisor, +46 (0)8 456 14 23 Union contacts Karin Wallblom, Unionen, +46 (0)26 261 012 Patrik Hertel, Sveriges Ingenjörer, +46 (0)26 265 647 Send your application no later than July 28, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 323034. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Irene Sveen
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Svedala
Publicerad : 06-14
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Tactical Buyer for Indirect Purchasing jobb
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Flödeschef till Varmvalsverket
Produktområdet Wire and Heating Technology, inom Sandvik Materials Technology, är idag en världsledande tillverkare av rostfri tråd samt metalliska och keramiska, högteknologiska värmebeständiga material. Avdelningen Primary ansvarar för att försörja produktionsenheterna globalt med halvfabrikat. Primarys verksamhet omfattar; smältverk, pulvertillverkning, götvalsverk, ämnesslipning, trådvalsverk, betning samt färdigställning. Verksamheten har drygt 100 anställda. Arbetsuppgifter Som flödeschef kommer du att ansvara för produktionen i vårt Varmvalsverk så att eftersträvad arbetsmiljö, kvalitet, leveranssäkerhet och kostnad uppnås. Dessutom ingår ansvar för att produktionsutrustningen underhålls och används på rätt sätt. Du kommer även att cocha och leda dina medarbetare för att infria avdelningens mål gällande arbetsmiljö, kvalitet och leveranssäkerhet. Vidare kommer du att bedriva arbetet med inriktning på personalutveckling och bemanningsplanering på både kort och lång sikt. Budgetering och kostnadsuppföljning ingår i rollen samt att driva och utveckla arbetsmiljöfrågor i enlighet med vårt arbetsmiljösystem. Arbetet i produktionen bedrivs för närvarande på dagtid/2-skift. Din profil Vi söker dig som har goda ledaregenskaper och flerårig erfarenhet från arbete inom industrin eller motsvarande. Du har en gymnasie- eller högskoleutbildning med inriktning mot produktion/metallurgi eller annan bakgrund som gett dig motsvarande kompetens. Då vi arbetar med att förfina arbetet enligt Sandviks produktionssystem (LEAN) är tidigare erfarenhet av detta meriterande. Vidare har du goda kunskaper i Microsoft Office samt god förmåga att förstå och uttrycka dig på svenska och engelska, i både tal och skrift. Som person är du målmedveten, initiativrik och utåtriktad. Du är kommunikativ och har god samarbetsförmåga med ett flexibelt och noggrant arbetssätt. Rollen som flödeschef ställer höga krav på dina ledaregenskaper; du är lyhörd och kan på ett naturligt sätt skapa ett förtroendefullt samarbete men även inspirera och motivera dina medarbetare till att tillsammans skapa laganda och engagemang för att nå verksamhetens mål. Kontaktinformation För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta: Kristoffer Karlström, produktionschef, 0220-217 30 Glenn Baringson, HR Advisor, 0220-216 62 Fackliga kontaktpersoner Torbjörn Frankén, Unionen, 0220-216 12 Björn Axelsson, Sveriges Ingenjörer, 0220-216 10 Urban Sahlin, Ledarna, 0220-216 23 Välkommen med din ansökan senast 2013-08-25. Läs mer om Sandvik och ansök via, jobb-id: 324252. För frågor angående rekryteringsprocessen kontakta HRdirect, 020-26 14 44. Ansvarig rekryterare Maria von Matérn Följ oss också på Sandvik är en global industrikoncern med avancerade produkter och en världsledande position inom utvalda områden - verktyg för metallbearbetning, maskiner och verktyg för gruv- och anläggningsindustrin, rostfria material, speciallegeringar, högtemperaturmaterial samt processystem. Koncernen hade 2012 omkring 49 000 medarbetare, representation i 130 länder och en omsättning på cirka 99 000 MSEK.
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Hallstahammar
Publicerad : 07-17
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Flödeschef till Varmvalsverket jobb
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Communication Professional
Are you interested in working with communication to 1500 co-workers in 18 locations throughout the world? Would you like a creative role and the opportunity to apply innovative approaches to internal communications at both strategic and operational levels? If so, this is the job for you! The Wire and Heating Technology product area currently leads the world in the manufacture of stainless steel wire, plus metallic and ceramic high tech, heat resistant materials used in, for example, welding, medical applications, electrical heating of household appliances and industrial ovens. The Head office is located in Hallstahammar, Sweden. The Communication and Marketing department is now looking for a Communication Professional to work as a temporary replacement from September 1, 2013 to May, 2015. The preferred location for this position is Hallstahammar, Sweden, but alternative locations can be discussed. Key performance areas As a Communication Professional you are responsible for the internal communication of Wire and Heating globally, and your duties include to: - Structure, update and publish information on the intranet - Develop a smooth functioning communication structure and create communication activities through various channels, e.g., film , print and web - Produce a strategic internal communication plan - Train and support managers and others in communication matters - Be a member of the crisis management team, which includes crisis communication and our contact with the media - Develop clear and concise communication messages and presentation material for e.g., strategy, financial results and key figures Your profile We are looking for someone with a degree in communication, information or journalism and at least three years' work experience in the field. We expect you to also have experience in formulating messages and presentation techniques, as well as having worked with web/intranets or web/intranet kits. Understanding of internal communication processes and experience with project management are advantageous. Good knowledge of MS Office and PowerPoint is a prerequisite, as are strong skills in English, both spoken and written. Knowledge of Adobe programs InDesign, Photoshop and Premiere and skills in Swedish are advantageous. As a person you have a positive outlook and gladly take initiative. You have an eye for detail and experienced in adapting messages to their respective target audiences. You must be willing and able to take on a large sense of responsibility, think strategically and break down messages in internal communication plans. You can work independently as well as with others. We also expect that you are very interested in communication, with a feel for layout and graphic design, and have a strong service orientation. Project leader qualities and the ability to assume varied tasks, as needed, are important in this position. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Maline Westerberg, recruiting manager, +46 (0)26 260 989 Nicolette Landré, HR Manager, +46 (0)26 210 59 Union contacts Torbjörn Frankén, Unionen, +46 (0)220 216 12 Björn Axelsson, Sveriges ingenjörer, +46 (0)220 216 10 Send your application no later than August 18, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 323731. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Maria von Matérn
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Hallstahammar
Publicerad : 07-08
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Communication Professional jobb
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Head of Demand Management
Sandvik Mining is a business area within the Sandvik Group and a leading global supplier of equipment and tools, service and technical solutions for the mining industry. The offering covers rock drilling, rock cutting, rock crushing, loading and hauling and materials handling. We are now looking for a Head of Demand Management to lead our IT Demand Management function and team, which safeguard that projects at Sandvik Mining have a measurable benefit and contribute to the Sandvik Mining strategy. The preferred locations for this position are Stockholm, Sandviken or Amsterdam. Key performance areas Your main responsibility is to manage IT demand. The responsibilities also include to: - Lead, coach and develop the Demand Management team Develop and take ownership of the IT demand management governance and processes - Ensure that projects have defined scope, cost and benefits to enable fact-based decision making by business leaders - Manage the work in order to develop, communicate and anchor an IT plan and budget that is linked to the business planning in the demand area - Provide information to support business cases and business prioritization of demand, allowing business to optimize the investment in business processes and IT change - Coordinate and work with the Sandvik Mining Enterprise Architect, EA in order to safeguard the Architecture and IT strategies Verify that IT is delivered according to expectations and business needs The position involves 25-50% traveling time. You will report to the Director of Process and IT Management (PIM)/Business Information Officer and be a member of the PIM Management team. Your profile We are looking for someone with a Bachelor's degree within a relevant field and several years? experience from managerial roles. Experience in Business Consultancy and IT solutions are advantageous. We expect that you have a strong business analysis background and are skilled in gathering business process analysis/modeling and information modeling. Furthermore, excellent communication skills in English, both written and verbal, are prerequisite. You have a strong customer focus, are result oriented, and know how to build effective, global teams. You also have experience in interacting with top management on a global basis in complex and challenging situations, while having the flexibility to work in a multicultural environment. The position as Manager places major demands on your leadership and coaching skills. You are perceptive and easily create a trusting environment for collaboration, while inspiring and motivating your co-workers to create team spirit and enthusiasm in order to reach the business? goals. You are also interested in developing both the business and your co-workers and have the ability to implement changes. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Åsa Mohalland, recruiting manager, +46 (0)26 265 142 Eva Dannberg, HR Advisor, +46 (0)26 260 864 Union contacts Magnus Göransson, Unionen, +46 (0)26 262 077 Rickard Andreasson, Sveriges ingenjörer, +46 (0)26 265 183 Send your application no later than August 15, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 323353. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Maria Lindén
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Ospecificerad arbetsort
Publicerad : 07-16
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Head of Demand Management jobb
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Are you looking for both analytical and business challenges and want to work in a global company? We are currently looking for a Controller within the Transfer Pricing area and can offer good development opportunities and an exciting career path. If that sounds interesting to you, we look forward to receiving your application! Tax is a highly prioritized area with its important impact on shareholder value for Sandvik. Sandvik is growing both organically and through acquisitions and is currently setting a new strategic direction to strengthen market leadership. The location for this position can be Sandviken or Stockholm. Key performance areas As a Controller you will, together with your colleagues, further develop existing techniques and processes in order to improve efficiency and find valuable synergies through centralization of the function. You will, among other things: - Take part in, and in some cases be responsible for, the calculation of transfer pricing for defined flows - Be responsible for and participate in studies and analyses designed to ensure that pricing is carried out in accordance with transfer pricing guidelines - Be responsible for and participate in activities involved in the development of transfer pricing processes within Sandvik - Participate in projects within the various business areas concerning transfer pricing issues Be responsible for and participate in system development projects relating to applications for transfer pricing calculations - Be responsible for the operating and updating of defined transfer pricing systems Your profile You hold a degree in Accounting, Finance or Business Administration or have equivalent education. You have at least three years? practical experience preferable within accounting and/or financial reporting at corporate level. Experience from working with transfer pricing and/or handling taxes on an international basis is advantageous. A prerequisite is good knowledge of English, both written and verbal. To succeed in this position, you must be willing to take initiative and be strategic, thinking logically and analytically in order to determine which areas should be prioritized. You will work closely with the business areas and have a significant amount of contact with international parties within Sandvik, which will place strong demands on your communicative and cooperative abilities. Good leadership qualities, such as being outgoing and unpretentious, as well as having the ability to motivate co-workers and create team spirit and enthusiasm for reaching established goals, are a necessity. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Bodil Hedlund, Manager Group Transfer Pricing, +46 (0)26 265 141 Union contacts Maths Scherman, Akademikerföreningen, +46 (0)26 266 734 Glenn Holm, Ledarna, +46 (0)26 263 809 Stefan Wiborgh, Unionen, +46 (0)26 261 561 Please send in your application as soon as possible, but no later than August 25, 2013, as selections are made on an ongoing basis. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 323512. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Irene Sveen
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Ospecificerad arbetsort
Publicerad : 07-12
Sök fler jobb liknande: lediga Controller jobb, Controller Ospecificerad arbetsort, Controller Sandvik AB
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Communication Officer
Sandvik Mining (SM) is a business area within the Sandvik Group and a leading global supplier of equipment and tools, service and technical solutions for the mining industry. The offering covers rock drilling, rock cutting, rock crushing, loading and hauling and materials handling. Are you interested in a great opportunity to join the Rock Tools team, a product area within SM? If so, we can offer you a key global role with responsibility for the overall internal communications plan and its implementation for Rock Tools. You will work cross-functionally with product line management, sales support, R&D, business control, supply chain, sourcing, human resources and sales areas. The location for this position is flexible but preferably based in the UK. Key performance areas As Communication Officer for Product Area (PA) Rock Tools, your main responsibilities will include: - Implementing a robust communication structure and plan for the PA that supports Rock Tools' strategic direction and goals - Delivering regular communication to all staff through a range of channels, ensuring ease of access to communication, clarity and consistency of messages - Supporting the PA management team with departmental communication needs, projects and messages to promote effective communication and staff enthusiasm - Ensuring that all internal communication for Rock Tools is aligned with the established guidelines and policies of SM - Defining and promoting the use of different tools and channels for effective communication - Developing and managing the Rock Tools intranet portal - Developing, writing and editing content for the intranet, staff newsletter, team briefings, notice boards and other internal communication channels - Building on existing contacts and actively participating in relevant networks You will report to the Vice President for Sales Support, PA Rock Tools. It is anticipated that this position may involve 10 to 15 days travel per year. Your profile We are looking for someone with a degree relevant to this position, combined with strong experience with both internal and external communication. You have experience in working with intranets as a communication tool and, additionally, we expect that you have strong editorial skills. You must have a good feel for color and form and be very proficient in InDesign and Photoshop. Excellent skills in English, both written and verbal, are also a prerequisite. You have excellent networking skills, with the ability to engage a high performing team, and an impressive record of delivering results. You are able to anticipate communication needs and adapt to different departmental and stakeholder requirements. You can also manage multiple activities across a range of initiatives and have the ability to think "outside the box". As a person you are proactive and enjoy working on tight deadlines. You work equally well on your own as with others, both in a team and as part of a global network. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Manish Singh, VP Sales Support, +44 770 933 0262 Eva Dannberg, HR Advisor, +46 (0)26 260 864 Send your application no later than August 11, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 324013. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Maria Lindén
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Stockholm
Publicerad : 07-19
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Assistant for CPO Indirect Purchasing
The Indirect organization is global, with personnel in all the main countries where Sandvik has a larger number of employees. We deliver a service to all Sandvik sites by providing help and executing the purchase of Indirect Material to ensure that the purchased products or services fulfill the requirements of the right quality, on time and at optimal cost levels. It is therefore important that we develop an ability to listen to and understand customer needs, and always be available. We are also responsible for all interaction with the supplier market. The location for this position is Ludvika, Sweden. Key performance areas As the CPO's Assistant you will: - Assist the CPO on a daily basis with the internal/external communication flow (e-mail, telephone) - Assist the CPO in the follow-up process with respect to actions decided and their deadlines - Assist the CPO in the creation of presentation materials and reports - Assist in the planning of the CPO's agenda, meeting scheduling and travel bookings - Ensure that structures set up for and by the Indirect management team are followed The position includes frequent traveling, mainly within Sweden. International travels do occur. Your profile You have a background with an emphasis on business service and helping others to become successful. You have experience in PowerPoint presentation and Minutes of Meetings, with the highest quality in both content, and layout. We also expect you to have administrative and report creation skills. A degree within business and/or administration is a strong advantage, as is several years of qualified administrative and/or assistant experience. Excellent communication skills in Swedish and English, both written and verbal, are a prerequisite. As a person you like to create and maintain structure. You act on your own initiative and enjoy working with change management. You are service minded and want to take responsibility. Furthermore, you have the ability to interact with many different stakeholders on different levels and are able to create trusting cooperation in a natural manner. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Kenneth Lennholm, recruiting manager, +46 (0)8 456 12 23 Helena Sidenvall, HR Advisor, +46 (0)8 456 14 23 Union contacts Stefan Wiborgh, Unionen, +46 (0)26 261 561 Maths Scherman, Sveriges Ingenjörer, +46 (0)26 266 734 Send your application no later than August 11, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 324259. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Irene Sveen Sandvik is a global industrial group with advanced products and world-leading positions in selected areas ? tools for metal cutting, equipment and tools for the mining and construction industries, stainless materials, special alloys, metallic and ceramic resistance materials as well as process systems. In 2012 the Group had about 49,000 employees and representation in 130 countries, with annual sales of about 99,000 MSEK.
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Ludvika
Publicerad : 07-18
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Global Product Line Manager
Sandvik Construction is a business area within the Sandvik Group providing solutions for virtually any construction industry application encompassing such diverse businesses as surface rock quarrying, tunneling, excavation, demolition, road building, recycling and civil engineering. The range of products includes rock tools, drilling rigs, breakers, bulk-materials handling and crushing and screening machinery. The Consumables and Service department within Product Area (PA) Rock Tools is now looking for a manager with long experience, who wants to make a difference within the business. We can offer you a position with great opportunities for professional development. Key performance areas As Global Product Line Manager you will be the head of all product management activities for relevant product lines or an application belonging to a PA. You will be responsible for the competitiveness of the product line throughout the life cycles, as well as for market and sales support for the global product line across all segments and regions. The function provides a link between the sales organization in the regions and the product line. Additionally the position includes the following responsibilities: - EHS and quality responsibility - Product portfolio management - Forecasting and inventory - Pricing support and sales organization development - Product line business plans - Project sponsor for all R&D and technology projects - Training on the application and the product, mainly for internal audiences You will be a member of the PA management team. You will also have approximately five people reporting directly to you. The position involves travelling, approximately 50 % of the time. Your profile We are looking for someone with a degree in mechanical engineering and five years' experience from a comparable role in a similar industry. We expect that you have knowledge in rock and bench drilling, mining/quarrying, tunneling, engineering and industry knowledge. Experience from product management, product portfolio management and forecasting and marketing is advantageous. You have excellent knowledge of English, both written and verbal, and knowledge of Swedish is an advantage. As a person you are driven, have an analytical approach and good ability to prioritize, organize and plan your work in an efficient manner. You are business oriented, creative and flexible with strong interpersonal skills. The position as Manager places major demands on your leadership skills. You are perceptive and easily create a trusting environment for collaboration, as well as inspiring and motivating your co-workers to create team spirit and enthusiasm in order to reach the business' goals. You are also interested in developing both the business and your co-workers and have the ability to implement changes. Furthermore, you are communicative with the ability to create and maintain good relations. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Daniel Ehmans, recruiting manager, +49 211 502 74 10 Gunilla Sjödin-Andersson, HR Advisor, +46 (0)8 456 12 72 Union contacts Magnus Göransson, Unionen, +46 (0)26 262 077 Rickard Andreasson, Sveriges Ingenjörer, +46 (0)26 262 137 Send your application no later than August 25, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 324168. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 4
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Sandviken
Publicerad : 07-24
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Welding Application Specialist
Wire Sandviken is a product unit in the product area Wire and Heating Technology, and belongs to the business unit Sandvik Materials Technology located in Sandviken. We are a world-leading player in the development, production and sales of stainless and special alloy wire products. The products are important components for manufacturing in, for example, the automotive, processing, oil and gas industries, as well as in electronics, medicine and precision tooling. Technical support for global customers is a key focus for BU Welding, in order to grow in targeted niches within the energy sector. The Marketing department is responsible for technical support and development of the product portfolio. We can offer you a challenging role in a department that is a niche player in the welding industry. We develop our products in cooperation with our customers. Key performance areas The main challenge is to coordinate a large amount of technical information with customers, especially around enquiry and order processes for major global contracts. Your job is to deliver excellent technical service to the chosen industries, as well as being part of a team of welding engineers acting on a global basis. As a Specialist within Welding Application you will be involved in major contracts and will have responsibility for technical support for customers from enquiry to installation. Furthermore, you will identify customer value from solutions provided and translate these into profitable business for SMT and the customer. Your profile We are looking for a trained International Welding Engineer (IWE) or someone with a Master's in Engineering with a focus on welding. You have at least five years' experience from manufacturing, and practical experience of welding is advantageous. We expect that you have good English skills, both written and verbal, and good knowledge of Swedish is an advantage. You are a mentally agile, curious and technical problem solver with a structured and analytical working style. You have the ability to initiate and spur the development of the product portfolio based on application and customer needs. You also have the ability to analyze the performance of SMT welding products in specific applications and in comparison with competing solutions, as well as to analyze technical and commercial risks and to take actions to optimize risk management. You are a good relationship builder, with the ability to establish, develop and maintain long-term customer and industry relationships. You are business-like and behave professionally, as a good representative of the company. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: James Shipley, recruiting manager, +46 (0)26 263 231 Per Brykt, HR Manager, +46 (0)26 266 825 Union contacts Mikael Larsson, Unionen, +46 (0)26 263 166 Mona Davik, Sveriges Ingenjörer, +46 (0)26 265 028 Send your application no later than August 11, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 323985. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Maria von Matérn Sandvik is a global industrial group with advanced products and world-leading positions in selected areas - tools for metal cutting, equipment and tools for the mining and construction industries, stainless materials, special alloys, metallic and ceramic resistance materials as well as process systems.
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Sandviken
Publicerad : 07-18
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General Manager for Wire and Heating Technology
Sandvik Materials Technology (SMT) is in an exciting development phase in preparation for meeting future challenges. We are looking for a General Manager to take over the reigns and develop the business and lift it to new heights. SMT is a business area within the Sandvik Group and a world-leading manufacturer of high value-added products in advanced stainless steels, special alloys, as well as metallic and ceramic resistance materials for the most demanding industries. Its cutting-edge expertise is based on an integrated production platform and world-leading metallurgy and R&D. Operations are divided into four product areas (PA): Tube, Strip, Wire and Heating Technology, and Primary Products. Key performance areas As General Manager your main responsibilities include: - Overall business responsibility for the PA - Being head of Wire and Heating Technology's executive management and participating in the development of the PA within SMT - Developing and executing a business strategy for the PA in line with Wire and Heating Technology's strategic direction - Coordinating activities between Wire and Heating Technology's own units (product units, Marketing and Sales functions, etc.), as well as between the business units - Overall responsibility for execution of the Step Change program in the PA and a vital partner for success in the overall SMT Step Change program The position includes about seven traveling days per month. You will be a member of the management team for SMT. Your profile The ideal candidate has a relevant degree, equivalent education, with prior leadership experience and a proven track record from international businesses, preferably from the steel industry, with specialist knowledge of the wire sector being advantageous. Strong leadership and business skills are a prerequisite, as is a combination of business and production/technical skills. You have experience and a proven track record of managing change and in executing business strategies. A strong customer, competitor and business network is advantageous. You have good computer skills and excellent communication skills in Swedish and English, both verbal and written. You are accustomed to carrying out change management in global organizations and are interested in being a leader in a high performance environment. The key to success in this position is the strategic work and being a visionary who dares to challenge ingrained patterns. You have a strong customer focus, are result oriented, and know how to build effective, global teams. The position as Manager places major demands on your leadership skills. You are perceptive and easily create a trusting environment for collaboration, while inspiring and motivating your co-workers to create team spirit and enthusiasm in order to reach the business goals. You are also interested in developing both the business and your co-workers and have the ability to implement changes. Contact information For further information about this position, please contact: Petra Einarsson, recruiting manager, +46 (0)26 263 636 Johan Hedlund, HR Advisor, +46 (0)26 266 490 Send your application no later than August 17, 2013. Read more about Sandvik and apply at, Job ID: 324225. For more information about the recruitment process, please contact HRdirect, +46 (0)20 261 444. Recruiter Veronica Magnusson
Företag: Sandvik AB
Ort: Sandviken
Publicerad : 07-17
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